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Everything posted by InnerRampage

  1. So keep in mind, first day, and I got LOOT and it is showing me this https://gyazo.com/4f639b52bc181dc7dc0b146aa3f0e599 https://gyazo.com/2630110c594218460fb2ebde7a97a249 https://gyazo.com/03d3db696fe8c65d3066f7a688e69559 If anyone could help me and tell me how to fix this, I would appreciate it highly.
  2. This was the problem, thanks, you are quite helpful!
  3. So if it was CBBE and it was causing this, if I disabled it from all profiles, and loaded it up, would it go away?
  4. https://gyazo.com/3302bbdad42cfc25f65a0ed9a23a23b0 https://gyazo.com/d96d8a736cae6ffef5fa242f44c2e25e https://gyazo.com/c321d298dd3267833a8ac01b78f41f15 https://gyazo.com/afc54bab57648dddd67245f6c1349150 https://gyazo.com/78ab5aacd1587021d1927366317688c7 I am not sure what is causing this, I have 2 eye mods that make them look more detailed, I could link them if it would help, I also downloaded this mod and had it for a bit because I was downloading mods to increase settler capacity and for some reason thought this did: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5038 , I bit after I downloaded that I noticed the dark thing on Curies neck, I am not sure if it was specifically from that though. I would be EXTREMELY thankful you could help as I have been clueless for like a week.
  5. After downloading a few certain mods, the back of a lot of female NPC's including a companion have like a darker patch, how do I fix this?
  6. So on my Companions neck ( Curie ) there is like a extra neck of a darker color sticking out slightly, I can upload a pic but can anyone help me with what it is?
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