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  1. here a little gift :smile: PA vaultgirl headlamp replace vaultboy head lamp http://i.imgur.com/0TRnJPn.jpg ==> dowload here
  2. will check this Edit : Test 1 replace the loading menu of fallout 4 by loading menu of skyrim = no crash but empty loading screen :) next test try to import the animation from skyrim to fallout 4 loading menu :)
  3. who want some "Fat girl" ammo ? :) link bellow http://i.imgur.com/q1BwPIZ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/5OrXsua.jpg http://i.imgur.com/5Cgyg6e.jpg requirement : my mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8465/? and this https://mega.nz/#!boAEVQaL!m0wheKMobJKbRbqJHKz6weVEH3A4vVhW7ftR_OSVwEg have pleasure playing with the fatman and finding those mini nuke ;)
  4. Vault boy mascot heads and Jangles heads have already been created by Trainwiz. It's entirely possible. yeah i is possible he have replace a existing helmet with a new nif was trying to do the same replacing the fashion glass but it not show in game , will try with the same helmet as him to see if it works
  5. was planing to test it as a new radio :wink: will still test to replace the mini nuke :wink: but with no correct collision it will be strange when it will roll :wink: need to learn how to make collision with 3dsmax
  6. Hum try to set a face on sunglass but not show in game may have miss something :) Here the vaultgirl nuke WIP :) http://i.imgur.com/EpX8gs7.jpg
  7. Booble Statue ? ;) collision box not really working as it stay a the size of the booblehead but you can grab it and move it like other furniture http://i.imgur.com/tTrfRny.jpg
  8. Not yet, but I'll pm you some stuff. I don't have a current folder with all the stuff in it uploaded anywhere. I can send you some things when I get home from work. EDIT: Also someone was asking about the possibility of having really big vault girl figures, probably as craftable decorations. I would think as a new seperate mod. One think that could be cool is Vault Girl riding a big rocket (like the red rocket) or mini nuke. I'm thinking I'll do something similar to this one for a billboard. :smile: KingVego (SirVego) Did this one: http://kingvego.deviantart.com/art/Atomic-Bomb-Baby-563614896 Big statue can be done easily it just a scale in nifskope I can make ass well a vault-girl ridding a big nuke or the one of the supermutant Just need after that someone that can make a esp to insert this in the decoration menu (really really never have made a esp ;( )
  9. Good work :) By the way is there a place where i can get all your converted poster and billboard to add it to my game as well ? :)
  10. yeah :sad: need to create a display case outside but each time i m to lazy to do it :blush: will continue the big head version and will take some better screen (that always been my weak spot :pinch: like to make mod but don't to make description and good screen)
  11. new version head at 130% seems the right size ? http://i.imgur.com/W3nH4o7.jpg New texture glossy + black bikini top http://i.imgur.com/yMMGJVp.jpg
  12. Haha cool. It's hard to tell in this image how the head to body ratio is. I wonder how it compares to the vault boy Bobbleheads and the bobble girl mod in scale. :smile: Also if your planning on releasing a new version, do you plan on making them glossier? I saw some people mention that. Yes i will redo all the suit lighter in color and more glossy :smile: and try the bikini idea a comparison between before and after (same body size i just replaced the head ) Maybe make the head a little bit smaller? yes will do a try at 135%
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