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Everything posted by armdude

  1. Winamp's global hotkeys get disabled when i play in fullscreen. Tried using slacker internet radio via steam web browser but that'll just crash the web browser. Alt tabbing to switch tracks really soaks up the immersion for me and even screws up my game sometimes and I crash occasionally. Anybody have something that's working for them? I'm desperate... :mellow:
  2. EDIT title says two followers, my bad There's only three commands you'd have to remember, works with any follower. Yes its a video. It tricks the game into thinking your second follower is a dog therefore allowing you to have him/her follow you instead of a dog. You can still trade with them and issue them commands. If you want your second follower to leave properly you'll either have to google another console command or go and find a friendly dog and tell him to follow you. The dog will follow you and replace your second follower. If you want to do this with a mage type of character be cautious, if your followers happen to hurt each other too much they may start fighting. Frequently save or remember more commands or bind them to stop this. Tell me what you think! :)
  3. Will wav's work if i put them in game or do i need to get them back to fuz after i've edited them? How would i do that?
  4. Has anyone found them yet? The voice archive is so massive I can't seem to locate any. Please help.
  5. Has anyone found where they are? The voice archive is so large i can't seem to find any.
  6. Just an idea for anyone that can either make or import models for this game. I really despise the shape of the imperial shields, so much so that I'd prefer to use a shield of lesser quality just because it is more visually appealing to me. They are ok but the light shield especially tends to sort of jut out of the player model too much. The shape is somewhat odd too. Perhaps someone remodeling them to look more like the real life roman legionnaire shields would encourage people to use them more. The slightly curved rectangular shape is a much more logical design than the current and would fit the imperials look a bit more imo. Anyone else feel the same way? http://oi44.tinypic.com/52at8j.jpg Food for thought i guess
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