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Everything posted by Achaius

  1. Is there a mod that makes stealth/sneak kills actually... silent? Example: You sneak up to someone sleeping and poison him, or even kill him with a blade or bow etc. He dies... and his stupid wife wakes up because of his "death scream". I want to be able to, for example, poison people who then die silently without anyone noticing (talking audio, not visually). Is there something out there?
  2. Look for "Less Intrusive HUD II" or something like that, I'm sure it was that one where you can hide the button. You might also like iHud, it works well with LIHII.
  3. She is SCOTTISH! *rage* No seriously, I am usally no fan of GoT additions, cause this is Skyrim. Yet a follower that reminds me of her would be great indeed. And her accent is awesome... Someone call Rose and ask her to do some voice overs maybe? :ninja:
  4. I'm looking for a little mod that makes the "you are wounded" heart beating appear earlier, so one is warned if playing without any hud. At the moment, I often die without noticing that I am fairly low on health. That mod prevented that. Can't find it though...
  5. Well, problem solved itself after installing a few other mods (unrelated) and fiddling around with the load order. For now it works, still no idea what caused it not to work earlier...
  6. Well, I tried the group function of SkyUI and it doesn't work 100% for me. Switching between the groups does work, except for the chest armor part. Test setup: Group 1 Common Shoes Common Tunic Travel Cloak, Linen Group 2 Fur Armor Fur Boots Fur Gauntlets Timber Wolf Skin Cloak Group 3: Boiled Leather Cuirass Ranger Boots Ranger Bracers Ranger Hood From being naked, switching to group one did work: http://i.gyazo.com/492b5c5e1be5f2072c35195753e106cf.png Switching from group 1 to 2 and 3, does not. He will not equip the Fur Armor from group 2 or the Cuirass from group 3, although they are in their respective groups. Note that he does equip the other things in the group: http://i.gyazo.com/636f2a29336abb809645e986a8e461e9.png I tried, to see if it is a load order problem, to put SkyUI as first and last to load in the Mod Organizer, the problem still consists and I am uncertain what to do. Of course, I am using the latest SkyUI and the current SKSE alpha (1.7 I think?). I tried switching back to the stable SKSE build as well - no joy. Hope anyone has a clue here...
  7. Well, you may start with understanding that schizophrenic does not mean "multiple personalities"...
  8. SOLUTION: The problem is caused by a feature of "Immersive First Person". Enter the mod settings and open the profile you are using for the mod: http://i.gyazo.com/ee9cea945916cc8c878dc74c0d47384f.png
  9. SOLUTION: The problem is caused by a feature of "Immersive First Person". Enter the mod settings and open the profile you are using for the mod: http://i.gyazo.com/ee9cea945916cc8c878dc74c0d47384f.png
  10. I have the same problem. One other guy had it too and found out it was a mod conflict. In his eternal wisdom, he did not tell us what mod caused the problem though. I wrote him a PM... if he responds, I will report back here...
  11. WTF dude!? DONT EVER DO THAT! If you find a solution to a problem, LET EVERYONE KNOW WHAT THE SOLUTION WAS! -.- EDIT: SOLUTION: The problem is caused by a feature of "Immersive First Person". Enter the mod settings and open the profile you are using for the mod: http://i.gyazo.com/ee9cea945916cc8c878dc74c0d47384f.png
  12. Instead of ranting around you should be thankful that something that the Nexus exists - for free!
  13. Yep, would like more robes too, maybe more "monk" style robes or even jedi-like robes, they look very stylish I think. I actually prefer robes/clothes over armor to not over-power myself on lower difficulty settings. I don´t play on master etc., because I cant take the game serious when I put 4 arrows inside a bandits head and he happily swings his axe at me... *shakeshead* Whatever, give us robes! :biggrin:
  14. Niiiice ideas, fit my liking very well!
  15. Maybe I am the only one, but I have the feeling that Skyrim is flooded with animals and creatures. No matter in what direction you look, you´ll see tons of animals. While I enjoyed the looks during the first hours ingame, it becomes contra-productive for overall gameplay after a while. Let me explain: While traveling, you get interrupted by wolves, bears and/or spiders each and every minute which, for me, has two effects. First and most important: They become annoying rather than interesting. Second: It costs a lot of time and nerves to either kill them, or ride away, when you actually have something else to do. Also, if you enjoy beeing a hunter, you surely become bored quickly. Why? Because there are Elks around every corner and behind every stone - same effect as for the other creatures, they are nothing special anymore and hunting becomes too easy, sadly. Long story short: By cutting down creatures appearances by ~50%, the game would be more fun I think. Wolves would be a nice change from quests/battles again, hunting would need more focus and passion and you would not stumble over foxes, elks, bears, wolves, spiders and rabbits all the time. And as a side note: If there really would be SO many wolves in nature like in skyrim - there would be no elks and deers at all :wink: What do you guys think?
  16. Agreed. Especially Part 5 and 6. I wanted to kill Maven too, sneaked into her bedroom, put on a satisfied grin as I pulled my bows string...and then she doesnt die... very dissapointing.
  17. Greetings, wondering if anybody plans to make this beauty? Just in case, here are some facts and pictures that may be of service... Overall Length: 60 7/8'' Blade: 38 5/8'' Grip Length: 10 1/8'' Weight: 6 lb 8 oz Thickness: 4.5 mm - 4.2 mm Width: 51 mm *Note: there are many versions of this sword, hard to say which is the "right" one. I picked this one, seems to be the closest to the movie sword (Didnt found an official replica surprisingly!?) http://www.kultofathena.com/images%5C888501_4_l.jpg http://www.kultofathena.com/images%5C888501_l.jpg Anyone interested? :woot:
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