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  1. yes. please make some FF armors. I'd also, personally like to see Rikku's dress spheres. AND, definitely her hair with the headband thingy.
  2. i'd also like to see some more realistic archery. and definitely be able to headshot stronger characters, like bandit leaders etc ONE time, not several times before they die. also feels sort of dumb when i sneak up to someone and they notice me, but i still manage to launch an arrow between their eyes and it takes nothing but a 2% of their life. I feel I should be able to headshot him either way, noticed or unnoticed. But asbziur says, making it more realistic with accuracy affected by skills and perks would be awesome too. At least giving the option for it would be wicked. I like being realistic, that being walking around with 90 arrows in my quiver doesn't make sense to me, so I usually have a max amount of 15-20 arrows. But they disappear rather fast when I have to launch half my quiver into someones face even though I sneaked up to them and launched an assasination styled shot to their head. Please someone fix the hitbox :]
  3. i would love to see this as well. made the game more realistic, also made a use out of food and drinks.
  4. Just a quick description here because I'm off to Amsterdam in ten minutes. Anyway, I've been walking through dark caves multiple times without a torch but have crossed those small lams in random corners. I was surprised they was unable to pick up. However empty lamps are, but I have yet not figured out if they are possible to use. I also think candles could be an addition to this. And even picking up a rock to throw at someone would be kinda nice. Sorry for the shitty description and very few things mentioned, however I will update later with more of my thoughts to this if anyone is interested. I don't know if it's been mentioned before, but I couldn't find it.
  5. bump. would this be impossible without the creation kit? I'd actually like to have the male redgard dreadlocks on my Breton (female). And I find it somewhat annoying the redgard female don't have the same dreadlocks the males have. Because they are the most feminine ones, in my opinion at least.
  6. 74 Tweets and 20 followers, oh yeah that just gotta be the real one. Dumbest joke ever !
  7. Regarding the video I posted beneath; For some reason everything I upload is too dark, but you can clearly see the entrance of the little tent/hut and imagine how annoying this is when you have to load a previous save, which supposedly and rather typical is quite far back in my current game. However after I downloaded fraps and recorded it to show people I know IRL this stupid moment of my experience with Skyrim, I figured it would be funny to upload on youtube as my first ever video, and thereby post it here. I'm actually laughing over this now. haha, sorry about this whole dumb description which has little relevance to the thread title or anything. In general, this is no cry for help or anything like that, and I didn't have a slight idea of where I should post this, so I just chose to post it as a discussion, even though there most likely is a discussion for this thing already. (please merge this post with any relevant threads, I'm currently lazy and tired and couldn't find anything on my first search) however anyway, anyone experienced a stupid glitch like this yourselves? Please share em. Video/no video, doesn't matter.. http://youtu.be/AJrlV_Zro7g Edit: I now realize the title might be pretty stupid for a discussion, so if possible edit it to something more appealing to this thread.
  8. Ocarina of Time for the win! I love the way you present it all on. Great reading and even better, amazing ideas for which would add not just more thrill to the game, but also make it a lot more effective and less frustrating, considering how my horse always charge my enemies when I'm about to put down quietly, making me panic and run after the bloody horse it like a total numbnut! Bring it on ^__^
  9. The developement team are all sexists !:( All clothes I find make me look like a kitchen slave, or a house cleaner. Never felt like actually unequipping my armor. Can't actually enjoy some time walking around the city, window shopping and take requests from people without my armor except if I walk around in panties that looks like diapers and a bra that squeezes my boobs into a somewhat square-ish form.. Yessir, I say; Bethesda, can you get your ass into gear and release the mod kit soon please ! I'm also surprised how little femininity we have as a woman in the game, running like a man, sprinting like a monkey. But hey, I guess patience is the key :)
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