Regarding the video I posted beneath; For some reason everything I upload is too dark, but you can clearly see the entrance of the little tent/hut and imagine how annoying this is when you have to load a previous save, which supposedly and rather typical is quite far back in my current game. However after I downloaded fraps and recorded it to show people I know IRL this stupid moment of my experience with Skyrim, I figured it would be funny to upload on youtube as my first ever video, and thereby post it here. I'm actually laughing over this now. haha, sorry about this whole dumb description which has little relevance to the thread title or anything. In general, this is no cry for help or anything like that, and I didn't have a slight idea of where I should post this, so I just chose to post it as a discussion, even though there most likely is a discussion for this thing already. (please merge this post with any relevant threads, I'm currently lazy and tired and couldn't find anything on my first search) however anyway, anyone experienced a stupid glitch like this yourselves? Please share em. Video/no video, doesn't matter.. Edit: I now realize the title might be pretty stupid for a discussion, so if possible edit it to something more appealing to this thread.