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Everything posted by SootDirt

  1. Okay, okay let's see! I've had similar problems my self and some I've solved and others not. 1. When I copied the cloth physics while saving to .nif in OS, I notice I should only save physics form one piece on the lower body. So if I had a dress under a coat, I would only save the coats physics and not the dress too. This would in game still move both pieces individually even tho they where at different angles. Thus solving my problem of the coat going static. 2. The alpha channel will only show in game, if you in the .nif file inserted a NiAlphaProperty tab to the BSSubIndexTriShape of the outfit part with a alpha transparency enabled texture. And because I don't remember that gibberish by heart yet, I always use this guide: "Adding Transparency to Item (Tutorial) by Cat_Woman1989" 3. As far as I know, you need to either copy another items weights in OS or use a 3D program to "weight paint" new weighting that glue the pieces to a part of the mesh or skeleton. These are things that are too advanced for me still. So I haven't learned how to do it yet. 4. To make a body not clip through clothing that are in a solid fabric, you use Zap sliders to cut away parts of the mesh. That means you don't have to use alpha transparency in the texture also. The texture doesn't show as long as there isn't any mesh. I learned how from this tutorial: "Zap Slider Setup by Brain Poof". You also have to remember to set your body as reference, and then save the reference body in the .nif. I think that needs to be done cuz it will tick body slot boxes in the outfit, so that the game will recognize that there's already a body in the outfit (that you moded), if these boxes aren't ticked then the game will add the default body under the outfit. You can see these slot boxes in FO4edit, I don't remember if it's on the ARMOR, ARMOR addon or the ARMA tab. But you can edit the slots there, so that the game for example recognize your outfit to be a thin under layer like the Vault Suit. That will let you stack things like armor on top of it! :D I hope this helped with some of the problems! And you and anyone else is welcomed to ask stuff on my tumbler. I'm way more active there so it's a quicker way to get an answer, still ok to PM me here too. But since I just started modding I'm no expert. And if someone read all this and knows more feel free to correct me or add to this :tongue: //Angie My Tumblr ask box and message function is open ^__^
  2. For someone that has layers of clothing and armor on like myself, physics on longer hair helps with taking photos because you can just wait a little for the hair to get in a good position and rise above the layers. That it will clip thru the char when running dosen’t matter then because is gets hidden in all the layers. Not having physics on the hair will make it harder to take good screens because the hair will distort in some poses or get hidden under the layers. Which in the end will make people chose another hairstyle when wearing a lot and taking screencaps.
  3. Hi ppl! :smile: When I try to click on a workbench my character just stands there and do nothing. No menus popup but I do get comments about building from the settlers and companions. After this I'm able to walk around without closing anything invisible, but my third person camera buggs up and is kinda slow and inverted, unusable. Also I can click and scroll, but I hear no menu sound so I'm assuming it never opened. ------------------------------------------------ New info, It seems a mod or several is the problem. Without any I can use a workbench a few saved hours back. Not in the current save tho. If I enable them and pick that working older save the game crashes. Seems I'll lose the saves, oh well. Should have made backups :/
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