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Everything posted by Allephus
I'll just keep putting this up for request. I'd really like to see this. Any chance that it'll be taken up after so long?
I disagree but to each their own.
http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100419180817/witcher/images/thumb/4/4d/Tw2_full_Triss.png/325px-Tw2_full_Triss.png See how it would fit on the neck? At least a variation of it for a head piece?
I know there isn't a head piece for the actual Triss armor, but it'd feel more complete if there were...to me... I think it'd be cool to have a veil wrapped around the shoulders with a neck piece that covers part of the face. Auron's gimmick costume here represents what I'm talking about: http://www.japanforum.com/gallery/data/509/auron.jpg
Totally. Gummy Bear armor would be deliciously epic. It would absolutely fit in Skyrim too! Uhm....honestly, if anybody is up for it, I'd kinda like to see somebody make a mod-port from Call of Cthulu's damage system. That would be pretty awesome. Even though that game was unplayable because of the bugs, the way damage was calculated was pretty awesome.
Technically, the lore says they all have their own native language. It'd be easy to do Orcs and Elves since Tolkien has an elven lexicon and WoW and Gothic both have sturdy representations of language for Orcs. But I still fail to see the point? There is nothing about it that would immerse me more. Especially not with spanish speaking cat people and any form of french, polish, or any other languages native to...reality. I suppose the most practical way to go about it, though, would be to blend all the different versions of skyrim that are in other languages together....but why?
Tytanis has something similar to this. But I think that's a dead project.
Regardless, it'd be nice to own the house and be able to spruce it up with Melvin as well. I am in total agreement with this.
I'm guessing this just isn't too popular?
Yes yes, I know this is old. But to me, starting a new topic requesting this is boarder line flooding if the same person were to do it. So, here's my bump and I resubmit this as a request for any takers.
Well you might have luck here: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6316 There are other links provided for the mods necessary to make it look like that. It's only kinda close to what you suggested, but I'm sure if you contacted either one of them, they would hear you out as a request for them to....modify their...mods.
Just type in Hair in Skyrim Nexus search and you'll find what you're looking for.
kinda like this? :thumbsup: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/535057-scarification/
One of these duplicates should be deleted. I guess this would be alright. I would kind of feel out of place after 200 days had passed and my face still had a giant gash in it. But eh, to each their own.
So...a big part of bug troubleshooting for quests is being about to...more or less "restart" them. It'd be nice to see this function added into the interface. It would essentially reset all the parameters of all the progress made on that quest, drop it from your quest menu, and reset the dialogue necessary to go and collect the quest another time. Skyrim may not be designed is such a way that this would actually bypass bugs, but it would be good to have anyway just for people who really didn't want to accept that quest, or screwed up in some way. Your thoughts?
It would be pretty cool to completely redo the initial start menu to display your different character profiles. I don't think it would need to be as shnazzy as WoW, or any other MMORPG, but more like.... [New Game] Starts the game normally. [Continue] Continues from most recent save [Load] A menu will display which will display panels (still frame screenshots) showing your most recent activity in the most recent save, per usual. However, the interface organizes the .bak save files by "Character Profile Name". Each panel can be tabbed through with the directional keys and/or clickable with the mouse button. Think of it like the PS3/XBOX 360 interface...but perhaps more analogous would be the Cover Flow view mode in iTunes. By selecting one panel, you may then tab down and select a save under the appropriate name. [Credits] Go to credits. [Quit] Quit to Desktop -------------------------------------- This would keep the standard functions of all but the Load menu. I couldn't imagine something more FPS friendly, memory friendly, or processing friendly. It'd be easy to tell what you're loading, or deleting. Same controls, just a different view. Without the hassle of completely changing the dynamic of the start up screen. While it'd be cool to have, I'd rather have efficiency.
Yes! That's what I'm looking for! Well at least there's somewhat of an example now for anyone willing to make it.
I'm glad somebody does. :laugh:
100% agreed. I can't tell you how many times I've opened a container full of s*** I didn't need and pressed..."r", thinking I was in MY inventory to put that ONE item in the urn that is encumbering me... Bad example....more like...I'm sorting all my stuff in my house and put some important armor and cloth in a chest, determining which items are actually essential to me and accidentally take all the items out...I have to do it allllll over again. It would be nice to see this: [Select which items you wish to store. Press STOREĀ® to store the selected items.] [Select All] Bow Arrow Baseball bat Hammer Club Mace banana Essential Sword of Get the Hell Out of My Inventory Essential Knife of Get the Hell Out of My Inventory Essential Chest Piece of Get the Hell Out of My Inventory Essential Boots of Get the Hell Out of My Inventory Essential Robes of Get the Hell Out of My Inventory Essential Gauntlets of Get the Hell Out of My Inventory Comb Emerald Giant's Toe Enema Tube Hide Leather Blue Butterfly Wings Daedra Heart
There is an HD resolution retex of the same mod.
Are any of the aforementioned solutions really necessary? It seems as simple as asking for the same thing as "Visible Favorited Items" or "Visible Off-Hand Scabbard for Dual Wield". The same concept would apply, in my head. Just add a slot for every weapon on your favorites menu, and set a maximum of 8 possible slots on your body where each weapon would be displayed. (Whether it displays or not would be contingent on whether or not it was bound to a hotkey. In essence, this would allow you to select where what weapon is displaying on your body.) The trouble with this would be determining the animation for selecting the weapon. To make it realistic, you'd have to add several new animations for grabbing at different parts of the body. It's simpler than that of course, since you're only wanting it for the bow. In which case, whoever took this up could do the above process only to the bow. I'm not sure if it is exactly as I describe, but it seems like it would/should be.
I'd really like to know where these toilets are hahaha. I haven't come across one. Then again, I haven't been looking. I don't really see the use for it though. I think it was in FO3 that people took a random wizz from time to time, but I haven't seen any such behavior in Skyrim. Though it would be nice...sort of like an easter egg for Duke Nukem. X-D
For what? It's valid request. I honestly want my staff to be visible.
Well, as it would be primarily an aesthetic thing, it could simply modify your body. It'd mean it'd have to be compatible with all the body types, obviously. I really think it would only entail adding these body/face map mod textures to the race menu, however they would be under a hidden tab. Upon finding where ever you could do this, you would be prompted "Yes/No" as to whether you want to select any scarifications; upon answering Yes you would be taken to a single tab in the showracemenu and you're locked out of all other options other than to select where on your body you want what scar. Or the simple way, without adding any effects to it and just leaving it for aesthetic would be to add these as unique, standalone textures for your body and face. I say simple...but I've no idea how practical this would be over the former. But it sounds easiER at least.