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Everything posted by Allephus
:armscrossed: Hmmmm....I like that idea as well. But the thought of trees, akin to the appearance of an LOTR ent combined with the WoW tree things...intrigues me. Especially sense it would add a whole new threat...like the instant kill dragon bite...but instead....the instant kill Giant Tree grab to the throw up in the sky and fall to your dead power.
I agree. I feel as though looting, reading, and any action that stops time flow is rather....well in some cases overpowered. If I were about to die I could simply look in an urn, find an Ultimate Healing Potion and take it and it would be ask though nothing of the sort happened.
Well as you see in the picture....the holsters cover the barrel tightly. I'd like to see this...without the guns...miniature crossbows would look sexier to me. :thumbsup:
I agree. I'd prefer the swords to be on the waist, but the back, legs, knees...where ever...I just hate the fact the second sword disappears....which is the main reason why I don't duel wield
noice! thanks a lot! PS: @Don Great band. Good taste.
To be honest, I would hate this. But some WoW fanatics I suppose would like it. Though it'd be kinda useless in a sense. But hey, to each their own.
Hope to hear about some progress on this.
Been there, done that. lol...I agree. But there is an easy way. I just back up all the save files into a new directory, delete everything and find the most recent ones. That is..when I actually care.
I'd like to see this too lol. Maybe put in an item form. Like...Gloves of Body Moving (straight to the point)
I still can't believe it's not butter...nor that he hasn't done anything in regards to heeding the requests for the dual ring limit. :wallbash:
Lore can be made to encompass them since Elder Scrolls can pretty much testify to a rough translation from D&D. It certainly fits in this world. They don't have to be called any variation of Ent, Tree Ante or whatever. Perhaps even...Gloam Hist. Or just a forest guardian, with the concept of Princess Mononoke in mind.
I like the idea of Tree Antes, Ents, or whatever you choose to call them. Also like the idea of them being tougher than giants, since giants tend to become a push over around end game.
I'm guessing nobody did this? Or it never took off? I don't want to make a new topic since there's already a request. Any chance somebody would be so kind?
If the faces were less elongated, I'm all for it. They have cat people, why not dog people? :thumbsup:
Well I agree/support. Any takers?
I mean, decreasing the respawn rate is possible, and isn't unwelcome, but I haven't had any problems with it. Every dragon shrine as its own individual respawn rate, of course. When you finish the main line quest, the spawn rate decreases I believe, anyway. As well as the fact that the dragon cemeteries no longer spawn dragons either. At least that's what I observed.
Well..spend the dragon souls? Hahah. Have you played all the way through the story? It's lore supported.
So my first character was one evil person. But he had almost no way to show it, short of randomly committing a murder, or pish poshing with the Dark Brotherhood torture victims. It'd be nice to be able to kidnap people (anybody) that you hate in the game, and torture them. Even Ulfric. (Yes, I have it out for that guy...even though I support the Stormcloaks....) There just hasn't been a very good definition between good and bad and I'd kinda like one. This would be a great start. :thumbsup: The purpose? Why does a chaotic evil mofo need a reason to ravage some innocent bystander. :tongue: :ohdear:
Well...you're certainly entitled to your opinion. I'd much rather see more dragons. That is, after all, what the game is about.
Agreed. Or how about Yojimbo? X-D
I suppose it might be an issue that can only be addressed with the CK, but the way I imagined it was somebody basically making the bed just like...say....a whetstone or a Forge. It just enters you into a laying down "scene"/"animation" before prompted upon activation.
I've seen a few instant sleep/wait mod requests. I don't want that though. I want to see myself lay down, or sit cross legged and wait before prompted as to how long I want to. Seems simple enough. Any takers?
I don't believe I needed to start anything new lol.
There are a few mods and fixes out there for SkyUI made by other modders. You could try some of those as well. I think it would be great if you could have a check box next to all the items in your inventory and a "check all" option at the top of the menu. If that's what you mean, then I'm all for it.