Once my character moves a certain distance away, these ugly red patches will start appearing in the ground. When using a scope to snipe from afar, you can see them. It's because a specific ground texture is not loading. Funny enough, the grass and trees textures still all load just fine. It's just that ground texture that ain't loading. See this video. Go from the Sanctuary bridge and run to the food station at the back of the Red Rocket. Use tfc console command and fly back across the bridge. The ground on the side closer to you looks fine. Does the ground on the Sanctuary side have red patches? Use tfc again, and run back to the bridge, but do not step onto the bridge. Now look at the other side again. Does the ground on the Sanctuary side still have red patches? Once you step onto the bridge, about half way, suddenly those red patches will be gone. At least in my case. I've tried days and everything I can find on the internet to fix this issue, to no avail. This happens whether I use texture mods or not, whether they are .BA2 or loose textures. And everything I can tweak with ini's. If your answer is NO to either of the questions above, please upload or post your Fallout4.ini, Fallout4Custom.ini, and Fallout4Prefs.ini. Cheers!