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Everything posted by Valour549

  1. For items that have an Object Effect, FO4Hotkeys is incorrectly grabbing the ID of said Object Effect instead of the ID of the item itself. Take for example the Cryolator [WEAP:00171B2B], it has an Object Effect namely "Cryo Freeze" [ENCH:0018C353]. So when you try to hotkey the weapon, it instead hotkeys the effect Cryo Freeze, so when you try to use the hotkey it will say [You do not have Cyro Freeze]. FO4 Hotkeys includes the source files, but I can't figure out how to fix this.
  2. Once my character moves a certain distance away, these ugly red patches will start appearing in the ground. When using a scope to snipe from afar, you can see them. It's because a specific ground texture is not loading. Funny enough, the grass and trees textures still all load just fine. It's just that ground texture that ain't loading. See this video. Go from the Sanctuary bridge and run to the food station at the back of the Red Rocket. Use tfc console command and fly back across the bridge. The ground on the side closer to you looks fine. Does the ground on the Sanctuary side have red patches? Use tfc again, and run back to the bridge, but do not step onto the bridge. Now look at the other side again. Does the ground on the Sanctuary side still have red patches? Once you step onto the bridge, about half way, suddenly those red patches will be gone. At least in my case. I've tried days and everything I can find on the internet to fix this issue, to no avail. This happens whether I use texture mods or not, whether they are .BA2 or loose textures. And everything I can tweak with ini's. If your answer is NO to either of the questions above, please upload or post your Fallout4.ini, Fallout4Custom.ini, and Fallout4Prefs.ini. Cheers!
  3. I'm checking individual rules a lot because I have a lot of texture mods installed (non-loose files), so ordering them is important to get the in-game look I want. And this silly OVT.esp message certainly wasn't there before either. I'd have noticed the whole column of those glaring yellow dependencies on my SavrenX textures (mod group is Items just to sort them all further down for ease of arranging btw).
  4. If those rules have been there for so many years, then why is it all of a sudden showing me them only after I updated Vortex in the last few days? I've been modding for about 2 weeks straight, and I know for a fact they weren't there before. Why? Because I looked at Valdacil's Item Sorting almost everyday. Or does all this suggest that after the updates, my Vortex is finally working properly? And by properly, I mean it has the wonderful "feature" of showing me random rules for .esp's I don't even have installed? Is there any way of turning that feature off?
  5. There was two consecutive updates in the past few days, and IDK what they've done, but it has completely screwed up my mods and load order. Among the issues are: 1) Suddenly making up random rules with .esp's I don't even have installed. For example, showing: - One of my mods is incompatible with Z_Horizon.esp - Another one of my mods must load after OVT.esp When I swear by the gods I've never downloaded any mods with names like that. In other words, non-existent esp's. 2) Not allowing me to make my own rules to order my mods. I have two mods that have absolutely no rules with any other mods, including each other. Yet when I try to set a rule between them, it tells me it cannot perform the action because it's cyclic. I've never had any issues setting rules before until now. 3) Rearranging the load order It's nothing like what it was 3 days ago.
  6. The thing is after you've made changes in FO4Edit, you may need to load a new game (so the quest starts again). Did you try that?
  7. I want to make the item added by FO4 Hotkeys undroppable so I don't trade it accidentally (regardless of the fact it can be re-crafted). In FO4Edit the item is called HM_Activator (1800080D), and I've tried to play around with the Alias section of the corresponding quest called Hotkeys (18000800). This is what I've tried. The reason I tried that is because I have another popular mod, See Through Scopes, and I found out in-game the item added by it is Quest-flagged and undroppable, which is what I am trying to replicate with the first mod. So I basically looked at what See Through Scopes did and tried to do the same with FO4 Hotkeys XDD Sadly nothing I've tried works. Would appreciate if anyone could upload an altered .esp where the HM_Activator is undroppable, or give me some guidance as to what I should do in FO4Edit.
  8. I want to make the item added by FO4 Hotkeys undroppable so I don't trade it accidentally (regardless of the fact it can be re-crafted). In FO4Edit the item is called HM_Activator (1800080D), and I've tried to play around with the Alias section of the corresponding quest called Hotkeys (18000800). This is what I've tried. The reason I tried that is because I have another popular mod, See Through Scopes and I found out in-game the item added by it is Quest-flagged and undroppable, which is what I am trying to replicate with the first mod. So I basically looked at what See Through Scopes did and tried to do the same with FO4 Hotkeys XDD Sadly nothing I've tried works. Would appreciate if anyone could upload an altered .esp where the HM_Activator is undroppable, or give me some guidance as to what I should do in FO4Edit.
  9. Clicking the "Mod Manager Download" almost never work properly for me. Especially for larger files, because for Vortex will start the download and gets stuck on "pending", and trying to resume fails most of the time. So the solution is to download manually, then drag and drop. But what happens when the author gives two different mods the same name? After you drag them into Vortex, it thinks they different versions of the same mod. So it only allows you to install one of them, not both simultaneously. Using the re-install option to install a different variant doesn't work either, because even though both can be installed, only one can be enabled at any given time. You can rename mods after you install them, but that doesn't help in this scenario at all. So I'm looking for a way to rename mods (not in File Explorer cause Vortex doesn't care about that name) before you install to solve this problem. Case in point: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33278 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33107 These are two different mods with different contents entirely, but when you download them manually and then drag into Vortex, they have the same name ("2k"), and even the same version, and there is no way to install AND enable both at the same time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: Found a solution, unpack the downloaded zip file, then re-zip the contents and rename as you see fit. Now when you drag it into Vortex it'll even have the same new name. Not exactly the most elegant solution (Vortex should really have an advanced button to allow different versions of the 'same' mod to be installed as two diff mods), but hey it works.
  10. All the information I could find online states the default health regeneration cap is 30%, which makes a lot of sense because with Combat 4B (+20%) and Team Support 6B (+50%) this reaches 100% total. But in my game it keeps showing the default cap as 25%, both with a mod that shows statistics and from checking the health bar max regen after a battle. This is especially obvious with only Combat 4B: after a battle you will see health bar regen to 45%, just under half the bar. I have removed all mods and still face the same problem. Can anyone confirm if they have the same issue?
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