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About GeckoSpawn

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    South Africa
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  1. "If you're starting to tire of Skyrim" Yes, I have. But as an amateur writer, I remember M&B ruining a number of weekends of my life. I would say, reading history-fiction novels, Bernard Cornwell comes first to mind, and then immersing myself in this game - Oh, joy of joys! But damn you! Damn you abominable Nexus for making me spend more hours on this site.
  2. I've just hit level 41 Altmer Mage. Destruction, Alteration and Enchanting. I used Conjuration early on and when in trouble double, not duel, cast Demora Lord so I can mana/health regen. I began level 1 on master and have only dropped lower to brawl (I'm a prostitute for petty squabbles) *[Edit: "Prostitute" cannot replace wh**e, Mr. auto-editing software! xD]*. It's been a challenge and I end up laughing whenever I get it into my head that I'm a god and get pwned. So far, most fall victim to paralyze then soul trap and unstoppable spamming as they writhe. Alteration, Destruction and Enchanting without perks in restoration or illusion have allowed me to focus dps/aoe while remaining unharmed. I would recommend an enchanted ring or amulet to increase magic resistance along with the alteration perks, partially due to avoiding the zero mana cast. My mage has never felt unstoppable and that's what I like. A challenging game and the feeling of pride that you were able to succeed after all the effort you put in. The mage is surely a viable option, but you have to be smart about it. The game can't be approached with the thought that you'll just level everything you come across. I still backpedal in every fight and use terrain to my advantage. The Mage requires intellect from the character and player. And don't neglect your hotkeys. I use seven spells in neatly every fight. It may feel complicated but my brother's expression when I pull them off perfectly is priceless.
  3. I get where you're coming from, runic, but after I removed my mods the game works again. Didn't make the effort to check them individually but it works now.
  4. Okay, apparently it's happened to a few and mostly caused by ValsCraftingMeltdown. They recommend removing all mods, but this seems the most likely culprit.
  5. Just saw a Steam Forum (am i allowed to post links to other forums?) page called: "The Patch Broke My Game Club! Sign up here!" Complaints about the smoke-loop. This is the first time I've seen a game worse off for patches.
  6. I see many complaints about the game getting worse - mine stopped working. I'm using the skip intro mod, now it gets to the main menu with the smoke ambiance and, well, I wouldn't be writing this if it worked. =P Game completely buggered now.
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