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  1. yea i feel like spriggans were a pitiful rendition of a similar idea to ents
  2. Alright so i had a discussion on r/skyrim (reddit) about the possibility of having Ents like beings in skyrim. sure we have spriggans but its not NEARLY the same. The idea would be that a texture could be mapped maybe over a giant? and the ents would only live in forests and would be hard to see. they are nice and normally solitary, however they will get extremely aggressive and MUCH harder to kill than giants. maybe even quests relating to people cutting down the ent's forests (aka DESTRUCTION OF RIVERWOOD! ALVOORR!) anyways that was my idea, i hope you think its good as well. btw off topic, anyone feel like there should be a harry potter style werewolf mod?
  3. http://listverse.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/dracula-van-helsing.jpg?w=550&h=412 this as bat form. I dont know why i cant find a better picture, but Dracula's bat form in Van Helsing or something even REMOTELY similar as a transformation would make it truly epic. comparable to werewolf.
  4. is it possible to become a werewolf after this since its a console code? not the actual quest? also is it possible to just turn on lycanthropy using console just like turning it off? same for vampires on and off?
  5. the axe they have is 2 handed not 1 handed
  6. Why do u need them to last so long? I'm done with them by the time its over, if not way before its over.
  7. the problem with inns (at least with the pc) is that the game crashes unexpectedly A LOT (for me and i have a top-notch pc. also happens to my friends) so we don't know when we will need to save. obviously if you need to leave to go do something you can just head on over to an inn, but what if you plan on playing more and it jsut crashes?
  8. what about just a thing like with the companions but maybe paarthurnax or the greybeards are the only ones that can teach you? they can show you how to become a dragon (i think it would be more plausible to be a smaller than normal dragon, as the transformation would be too great for regular size)
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