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Everything posted by SpellAndShield

  1. If you talk to the Redcliffe knight in Lothering he will tell you that the Arl fell ill BEFORE the king was killed at Ostagar; this suggests that Loghain was planning it from the start.
  2. Willpower? May I ask why? Why not cunning? at medium to higher levels it creates a huge damage output? Why willpower? For the reason I stated, the stamina. I tend to be heavy handed on the talents and like having a large pool of stamina. I don't neglect my cunning nor my strength, but they aren't my main focus. OK. I pump everything into dex and cunning; 60/40 breakdown... I am a sneaky backstabber...
  3. I will look into this. So, in a fantasy world where I could afford a nice new computer and I am primarily interested in a gaming laptop, what would you recommend to be able to run DA on max settings very smoothly with no problems? Alienware gaming laptop? Also, will Dragon Age 2 bump up the requirements even more? Thanks
  4. Willpower? May I ask why? Why not cunning? at medium to higher levels it creates a huge damage output? Why willpower?
  5. dexterity and cunning... Now I tend to just wear leather because I don't think it is work spending 30+ points in strength just to wear armour... What do you do? I would be interested in hearing opinions... thanks
  6. but I am sure others have noticed that whilst swords have 4 different animations, mauls and axes (and maces) only have two which are shared with swords. Why can't axes also decapitate for example? Why are there these limits? Is there any modding genius that can fix this? You know, make a maul animation with the head being squished (exploded)...ah well. Does anyone else have this problem?
  7. Too many; I think I have lost count...ugh. Oh well...will remove some now...
  8. Well, I have been waiting for some time for Phaenan who made Winter Forge to update it and Noob767 wants to but cannot until Phaenan lets him. There is also the upgrade wand but it doesn't work for me for some reason. Are there any mods that anyone out there might know about that would allow me to upgrade? I find it really stupid that Stormchaser armour among others are made with mismatching materials...why did Bioware ever do that?
  9. Aesthetically either dual daggers or swords looks best, provided they are the same kind...I am into aesthetics. Maybe some person with more expertise can do a mechanical analysis....
  10. or what is going to happen in any of it? More stuff with Morrigan? What of the romances, etc? Does anyone know something I don't? cheers
  11. I think I remember Sigrun saying something smart when at the end and confronted by the Architect; do you really want more intelligent darkspawn? Regardless of his intentions, more intelligent darkspawn are a dangerous thing...at least with a blight...well, you kill the archdemon and they go back...and only 2 archdemons to go so then there will be no more blights, I guess at least.
  12. So many people say that dual wielding two full sized weapons is just for fighters...I kind of agree; daggers are faster, have a higher crit chance and better armour penetration rate but still, nothing beat the aesthetic of say, wearing Storm Chaser armour and dual wielding two orlesian long swords, I have tried some experiments; using the Winter Forge to put improved attack speed on all my equipment and then using two momentum runes+ dw momentum but daggers just seem to be faster no matter what. I guess I no Dragon Age expert but what is the general expert opinion here on DW rogue+daggers vs. DW rogue+two long swords?
  13. Thank you. I guess the truth is I need a proper PC with with the right capabilities...which I will have to wait for for a while...oh well...I'll try what you said first. Thanks
  14. Well, I can't tell you what graphics card I have but I have an oldish (1+ year old) games laptop. I don't know what causes it but I get some serious lag sometimes, especially when multiple or lots of enemies appear. At first I thought I should turn down graphics settings to their lowest level but it didn't help. It runs equally shittily on high or low graphics and texture. So there is this lag. There is another weird thing that someone else has also complained about and that is spells taking 15 seconds or more to go off; for example Morrigan casts cones of cold and it take over 10 seconds to go off; enemies move out of the way frequently when this happens...healing spells take forever to go off and my characters die; plus damage isn't registered until way later. Do you have any idea what could be causing this? Because it happens on all graphics levels...maybe my computer just wasn't meant to handle the game? What do you think? Thanks to all!
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