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Everything posted by SpellAndShield

  1. Now that Dragonborn is out the possibility must exist to create a mod with werebear form and perks, maybe also some remodelling of the werebear as well? To be honest I have always preferred werebears to werewolves so if a mod came out for this I would be very grateful. Also maybe with its own questline to become a werebear? cheers
  2. I was playing and my game froze up so I restarted the computer, now whether through conventional Steam or SK loader I keep on getting this error message and cannot start the game. I have no idea what to do. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  3. Has anyone else had this problem? For axes because of the perk I understand but all other weapons too? I have no idea why, only becoming a Vampire seems to make me immune to the DOT. Any ideas?
  4. Cannot level past 100. I recently reinstallled Skyrim because I thought it had been a mod conflict but now I just have Elys' Uncapper and SKRE and it still does not work. I guess I could play a character that cannot level past 100 but it really ruins a lot of the fun of the mod. I really have no idea what I might have done wrong. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks
  5. Hi, I am using Skyrimredone and it requires the Elys Uncapper. For some reason it does not work however. Could there be some sort of conflict? Where could the conflict be? Basically I cannot level up past 100. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. Question regarding Elys' Uncapper: I took a break from Skyrim/Skyre, came back to it yesterday, updated everything but every time I go into game it says that the Uncapper does not match the version of Skyrim I am using even though I have enabled autoupdate. Does anyone have any tips or ideas how to fix this? So I can enter the game fine just that the levels do not go over 100. Cheers in advance.
  7. I like diving in the water, harvesting stuff for alchemy etc. but for a while I have not been able to see anything under water, the minute I dive under it is completely black or blue black and can see nothing. Is there a setting I can change or fiddle with to bring back visibility? Thank you very much in advance!
  8. Use Lfox' Werewolf Improvements. I like both Werewolves and vampires equally but with his mod you can develop real power. I can tear master vampires to shreds with my claws...get the mod.
  9. I have tried different console commands, etc. but nothing seems to work. Is there a fix for this bug? Right after you become a Lord they attack you...
  10. I have been getting that error message for a few days. The game still worked but I always got the message. Also normally the level cap was 300 with the uncapper and now it is 100. It has something to do with Skyrimredone. Any ideas what I can do? cheers
  11. I have been trying to use a bat file to get all werewolf perks but it did not work so I tried to get them manually with the codes indicated on Skyrim wiki. This did nothing. Are those first 2 numbers the correct ones? XX (what does it stand here?)/
  12. I have not become a Vampire Lord yet, just a normal vampire using Brenin's Better Vampires but I am using an eye mod. Anyway, once I became a vampire I lost my High Elf facial tattoo and her face became dirty. I can still se outlines of the tatoo but it is covered under something, not sure what though. Any tips?
  13. Cheers. I was hoping for an actual vampire flight mod as opposed to the hover...
  14. I am basing this in part on what Bethseda has said themselves so what are people's opinions on this idea?
  15. I am picking it up from Gamestop and it has been out a week or so, what mods would people recommend in conjunction with Dawnguard or specifically for Dawnguard?
  16. recently and I would like to buy it from the store. Is such a thing possible?
  17. I heard they still have not given a date. Can anyone confirm this?
  18. Not so sure about that. My ME3 videos were quite popular but when I announced I would no longer do them, people left.
  19. My channel used to be almost exclusively about Mass Effect stuff but I recently switched over to Skyrim and ever since lost subscribers and there is a tremendous lack of views compared to the old ME3 MP stuff. Does anyone have tips? http://www.youtube.com/user/StarduskLP?feature=mhee
  20. I find Fraps to be less and less reliable. I was wondering if anyone could recommend anything comparable or better? Cheers
  21. Is anyone else having this problem? I can't seem to download mods for some reason. Anyone else?
  22. Next DLC will probably be about werebears imo.
  23. It would be cool if there were a range of materials they could be made from just like other weapons. Does anyone know?
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