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  1. Hi everyone, I'd like to ask if anyone has experienced something like this: https://afktrack.iguanadons.net/index.php?a=issues&i=23226 I originally posted it as a bug, because I had it nailed down pretty tightly, but the developers just threw it out instantly, calling it a compatibility issue, even though they themselves admitted I had nothing overwriting SoulTrap, so there shouldn't be one. I'm really confused about this, and would like to hear if anyone has tried something similar and, if yes, maybe we can narrow down what the cause might be and notify the developer. My load order is on the link.
  2. In response to post #23050014. #23050444, #23050984, #23053524, #23054249, #23055604, #23251774 are all replies on the same post. If a mod author blocks you from downloading his addons, it's useful for actually removing them from the site instead of stumbling on them and getting a 503 error. There may also be some mod authors whose mods you find utterly tasteless.
  3. Hey everybody! I was wondering if I could receive a little bit of help. I have a loadorder with lots of interdependencies and for the longest time I've had issues with explosions occuring on top of me whenever I ride past an NPC. But not every time - around 50% of the time or so. They have no visual effect - just the sound. They do a little bit of damage - around 30 or so I'd say, to people in my melee range, and they happen as I run past people on horseback in the open Skyrim world. ONLY in Skyrim, the exterior - never in cities, never in buildings, never on Solstheim or anywhere else. This has happened across mutliple load orders and different mod configurations I've had, including this one. It doesn't seem to matter whether I use LOOT or not - although past experiences with LOOT indicates to me that it puts things in the very wrongest order possible (e.g. ot puts Requiem somewhere in the middle and puts mod in orders that authors specifically warn against), so I've elected not to use it this time. My load order won't be perfect, but I'm pretty sure this is a script anyway. My first thoughts were Requiem and Convenient Horses (as they change horses), but I can 100% confirm that it is not them doing it. I use SKSE 1.7.1, ENB v0.268 (iirc? I'm sure it's up to date, otherwise it would tell me in-game) and this is my load order: Yes, my PC is pretty powerful. Core i7-4770K, 2x GTX 680, 512GB SSD, and 8GB of PC3-12800 RAM. Any help would be appreciated. I'm at a complete loss as to why this is happening. - Ishayu
  4. Thank you so much. I've got the issue pinned in the log! This is what it looks like: [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] Dumping stack 5575426: [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] Frame count: 2 (Page count: 2) [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] State: Waiting on other stack for call (Freeze state: Freezing) [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] Type: Normal [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] Return register: 55.000000 [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] Has stack callback: No [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] Stack trace: [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] [AT_MainQST12 (3D004E18)].AT_MainQST12Script.CheckProgress() - "AT_MainQST12Script.psc" Line 324 [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] IP: 22075 Instruction: 420 Line: 324 [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] [::temp9]: False [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] [::temp11]: 55.000000 [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] [::temp12]: False [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] [::temp10]: 55 [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] [::NoneVar]: None [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] [::temp13]: False [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] [islayed]: 0 [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] [::temp14]: 0.000000 [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] [::temp15]: 0.000000 [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] [AT_MainQST12 (3D004E18)].AT_MainQST12Script.OnUpdate() - "AT_MainQST12Script.psc" Line 40 [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] IP: 361 Instruction: 12 Line: 40 [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] [::temp7]: False [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] [::NoneVar]: None [04/11/2014 - 08:37:12PM] [::temp8]: 0 The log, after just a minute of play, is 100MB. O.o If you know how to find out where this script comes from, I'd be grateful oncve again.
  5. I run rather a lot of script intensive mods, but I've never had big problems before I got to this point. Moments after I engage Alduin some script goes absolutely bananas and delays everything. Frostfall complains about no response for over a minute. I can't change spells and Dragonrend tends to do nothing. How do I find it out what script it is? Is there any kind of profiling tool? Perhaps you know Oh, and Alduin is invulnurable. I have to click on him, press disable and then enable again for him to return to normal again. There is nothing wrong with the cutscene or any other encounter with Alduin throughout the main quest. Here's my Wrye Bash laod order:
  6. T.T This was a problem in Morrowind (reloading 10 times -> ctd, even unmodded), but I never experienced it in Oblivion. It's back? Geh, that sucks. I found an addon some time ago that does actual full saves on certain conditions instead of quickasves or autosaves. Would that be worth exploring? There's also an addon that makes it impossible to die, and so when you die the mobs return and you get transported to the nearest hold prison, stripped of your gear which you have to get back. This: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45894/? could work? Combined with http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34842/? as well, then disable ALL autosaves and make them manual saves.
  7. I do have 3DNPC installed, but on multiple saves where it glitches I have never spoken to Hrojmir. It could very well be 3DNPC causing the issue, but it probably doesn't have anything to do with that NPC in particular. I'll try disabling it and creating a new savegame tonight.
  8. Nobody here is having problems with their performance anymore. We're crashing specifically after loading a game after dying - randomly, with no regard given to what you load or if the load is broken or not. It will happily load the save it crashed on earlier if the game is restarted without a hitch. Also, my PC is faster than yours - Intel Core i7-4770k, 16GB DDR3 1600MHz RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX680 I repeat, this is NOT a performance issue. It's more than likely a memory allocation issue. I have the same issue as the original poster described in post #5, however I created a duplicate thread due to the confusing/unrelated thread name.
  9. Oh, that's alright. :) I'm quite happy to see I'm not the only one in the problem. Gives a higher probability for finding a solution, and also confirms I'm not insane. I run a few other mods as well, but if you don't it can't be any of them. I did try disabling them and I was still having the problem, but who knows; Skyrim can be weird like that. Also, another note to people who might wanna check this out: You will only crash after death, but after the crash the savegame you attempted to load and crashed on will load fine.
  10. Hi Nexus! Having a little problem with my Skyrim that I can't Google my answer to. Google doesn't seem to understand the specificity of the problem. Basically, my game crashes after dying and then reloading. Sometimes. Maybe. I guess around 1 in 10 reloads it just crashes at the loading screen when loading a new game, but it NEVER crashes when moving around the world or transitioning between world spaces. It ONLY crashes if I died and attempt to reload, and it also won't crash if I don't reload. I am using ENB/ENBoost and the ctdfix memory patch and of course SKSE - as well as the official and unofficial patches (before I started using the ctdfix I was having random memory overload crashes, but they went away as expected) I've tried creating numerous new characters, but that doesn't help. Anyone got a clue where I should begin looking? Any log file where I can see what caused the CTD? I'm willing to get technical, here; I just don't know where to begin. I don't use any mods that directly alter death in any way. Thanks in advance, - Ishayu
  11. That's the one I already use. Except I "bastardized SKSE" :p Autosaves are not the cause I think. The autosave completes before it happens, and the crash also happens if I turn them off.
  12. I've managed to fix this with the new ctdfix memory patch, but I need to bump as I'm still having some problems. However, I still CTD when I reload the game. It does manage to autosave and then immediately crashes. It has no real persistency to it. It may happen or it may not happen on any reload or cell transition. It never happens when moving around cells. It does not happen to any particular cell; it can happen to any cell at any time. Even when I am already in that interior and just reloading the game because I died. I realize that's not much to go on, but if someone can point out what they need to diagnose this I'll gladly provide it.
  13. Hey! I'd really appreciate some help here. I realize this must be getting chliché but I am having seemingly random CTD's when I enter a new exterior cell. It doesn't happen in interiors. I don't tend to crash in the same area. It's almost always a different cell to last time, although so far I've noticed it is particularly prevalent around Wildhelm, but it is still never the same place it crashes. My save file is fairly new, it was created yesterday. I have sorted my mods using BOSS and I am using Wrye Bash, and have created a Bashed Patch. Here's my active mods list: Active Mod Files: I wish I could figure out which mod it is that's crashing me on my own somehow, but I don't really seem to get any opportunity to figure it out. The game just closes instantly. I use ENBoost, and I have a GTX 680 for GPU.
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