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Everything posted by fortnucho

  1. Hello fellow Skyrim players Is there a mod to increase the strength of shouts, in particular Fus Ro Dah. I'd like to blast npc's far away with it. :D
  2. I am following bevilexes mod, Ill give it a search again, yep, been there already.
  3. Anyone know a solution to water stutter, when OR water shader is ON i get stuters, when off its ok. Using monkey ENB. Help pls.. I really like the epic rendering of water in OR id like to apply it, but it gives me 15 fps... and stutters.. I discovered when water = 0 in oblivion reloaded its ok, but i lose the graphics...
  4. I was pressing O, anyway: SOLUTION FOUND: Here it is for every future reader, so.. its Darnified UI and OR overwriting a file called inventory extra data. Basically what I did I instaled Darnified first, then OR and overwrote darnifieds file (inventory extra data or somethinlike that ) with OR's file of the same name. And now I can open the in game OR menu by pressing "O"
  5. OBLIVION RELOADED: I have talked to 15 people who have Oblivion Reloaded and googled endlessly for the following issue: - Every source says that you can open Oblivion Reloaded MENU by pressing "O" while in game. Problem: I cant, whatever I press, there is no menu. Please for the love of Azura help me! ENB: Currently using monkey enb and bevilex mod list. Everything is fine, except one thing: - When in oblivion realm or near active gates in cyrodil the weather/sky of oblivion realm is ugly when the ENB is on. When its off, its ok, or, when its on but the "sky" section is turned off, then its also ok. The sky becomes somewhat pixelish and distorted colors and contrast. Is this because of the enb, or is there a solution so I can stick with monkey enb. Or perhaps its some other mods fault? TFC 1: The camera that lets you fly around is too fast, how do I slow down so I can record some slow scenes. I have found several options regarding cameras in oblivion ini and OR but no change whatsoever allows me to manipulate speed. And yes, I have tried SUCSM X SetUFOCamSpeed, the command is not working in the console for some reason.. Thank you in advance. This is driving me nuts, I have to fix this or otherwise I modded the game for nothing. PS: Attached is the oblivion realm sky with the problem present
  6. I think this would be great for IMMERSION: A mod that lets you turn on execution in 1 hit so you can roleplay assassins. The idea is that you one shot people with any weapon and trigger a execution scene, even when NOT sneaking. For example just standing near a NPC talking to him and then quickly betraying him, stabbing and killing in 1 hit, instead of slashing with daggers all the time. I know you can sometimes one shot when you re lvl 100 but this is for roleplay, so you can one shot execution when you re lvl 1 and such. What do you guys think?
  7. Hello guys, I searched the entire nexus and I couldn't find a mod for my mod list in which I plan to long play a druid character. 1. Already found elemental magic mod that gives wind and earth spells. 2. All I need now is a simple spell that summons a wolf / bear / to fight for you. And i mean a normal one, nothing lore unfriendly. 3. And perhaps a spell to summon a mount, a giant wolf or elk/moose. I don't know about creating mods but I suppose making a simple spell that summons a pet wolfs is easy for some of you out there. I know its a dick move to ask someone to devote his time to make a mod for free, but I'd really appreciate it. I possess graphic design and digital art skills, maybe I might collab on some textures one day with someone here, but in coding/programing im a total noob.
  8. Have you been recording any video footage from tes games? Could you share which app and settings do you use?
  9. Is there a way to remove this text, it pops up every few minutes and kills my immersion Its from a mod, I guess stutter removal? I wanna keep the mod but lose the text displaying on my screen
  10. Guys, Im recording oblivion gameplay after instaling bevi lex mod list, and the footage is extremly dark, but in game its not like that. What could be causing this?
  11. Hi, New to modding, spent 48 hours going through predcalibers video tutorials on bevi lex's mod list for oblivion. Whatever i do i cant fix the hands, and I can also see through walls and buildings and people if i angle the camera too much to a side. in 1st person i dont see my hands, and in 3rd i can see through my characters skull. Totally kills my mood to play. When i deleted oblivion ini and reseted it it dissapeared, when i undo delete it appears again. Whats the problem?
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