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  1. What crashes are you trying to resolve? Vanilla game barely has any that haven't been addressed.
  2. Just STOP, seriously, they were just granted EQUAL RIGHTS, it's the Right Wing Conservatives who immediately demand MORE RIGHTS, with their Religious Freedom Laws, because they cannot stand anybody being EQUAL to them, so they get their Conservative Legislature to make up BS R'Religious Freedom" laws so they can resume discriminating the LGBT community. The LGBT community isn't getting MORE rights, they were given the SAME Rights that YOU have been enjoying in America for your entire life. How do you even think that someone getting EQUAL Rights is somehow getting MORE rights than you already have? Seriously, do tell. EEOC/Title 7 protections/extended FMLA benefits for T's/coverage for their cosmetic genital mutilation surgeries. Hate to say it, but I used to be extremely pro alphabet people. I even made money getting myself ordained when gay marriage was legalized, so I could make some quick cash doing gay weddings. But in retrospect, Islam is right about them and their effects on social cohesion.
  3.  Hmm ... how do you stand on the the old test of shouting 'Fire!" in a crowded theatre? Do you hold for free speech, even when such speech is objectively harmful? How do you stand on incitement to violence, perjury, food labelling, slander, and the manipulation of stock prices? Bad formatting because mobile, and using swype I think if a theater wanted to allow shouting fire in a crowded movie theater it should be allowed. Of course, insurance might disagree with that and find the theater liable if someone gets injured. I think objectively harmful speech including incitement to violence should absolutely be protected. Same with slander. Perjury is a bit different because you undergo the process of swearing in. I don't think the state should have the right to force sometime to swear in though, and if not sworn in then perjury should be permissable. I don't think the stock market should be regulated. trading laws are a joke (I've had an account frozen by the sec before). Food labeling must conform to facts about what you're purchasing obviously. As for unregulated health claims, they're not a big deal. Basically sums up the entire supplement market.
  4. God this thread makes me excited to vote for trump again in 2020, if only to piss you guys off. I'm probably one of the most "far right" people on this board, and the misconceptions people have are staggering. This mod was merely pointing out hypocrisy and it delivered perfectly. I couldn't care less about whether or not gay pride mods are allowed, and really, couldn't care less about the straight pride mod as well. I'm a free speech absolutist, however, that also applies to private companies as well. What it comes down to is that Nexus has the right to be hypocritical and only allow 1 class of pride mod. While a bias is certainly worth pointing out on the community forums, anyone demanding they change their policy is way too easily offended, or doesnt value the open market.
  5. Personally I don't think it should be removed. If it is, then the other pride mods are going to be removed as well, at least. I mean, we've got third reich flags/clothing and hitler presets. Does the moderation team really want to have to make arbitrary judgments on every mod going forward? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4127 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3926
  6. Their special stats do nothing, really, despite what people say they do online. Simply test it. This was my solution to make each one more unique (unfinished), but what I have does work. Scriptname ConquestorsUniverse:CU_RandomizeSpecialStats extends Actor {Randomizes special stats on load} ;Set up actor values for modification ActorValue property Strength Auto ActorValue Property Perception Auto ActorValue Property Endurance Auto ActorValue Property Charisma Auto ActorValue Property Intelligence Auto ActorValue Property Agility Auto ActorValue Property Luck Auto ; Set up other we need. I can likely remove level here. ActorValue Property HealthAV Auto int Level float LuckTotal ;Crippling values for awful Luck ActorValue Property LeftMobilityCondition Auto ActorValue Property RightMobilityCondition Auto Event OnInit() Modvalue(Strength, Utility.RandomFloat(2.0, 10.0)) Modvalue(Perception, Utility.RandomFloat(2.0, 10.0)) Modvalue(Endurance, Utility.RandomFloat(2.0, 10.0)) Modvalue(Charisma, Utility.RandomFloat(2.0, 10.0)) Modvalue(Intelligence, Utility.RandomFloat(2.0, 10.0)) Modvalue(Agility, Utility.RandomFloat(2.0, 10.0)) Modvalue(HealthAV, GetValue(Endurance)*10.0) ;Luck for other bonus calculation Modvalue(Luck, Utility.RandomFloat(0.0, 10.0)) LuckTotal = GetValue(Luck) if LuckTotal < 1.0 Modvalue(Strength, -1.0) Modvalue(Perception, -1.0) Modvalue(Endurance, -1.0) Modvalue(Charisma, -1.0) Modvalue(Agility, -1.0) Modvalue(Intelligence, -1.0) Modvalue(HealthAV, -10) Modvalue(LeftMobilityCondition,-70) Modvalue(RightMobilityCondition,-70) elseif LuckTotal < 2.0 Modvalue(LeftMobilityCondition,-40) Modvalue(RightMobilityCondition,-40) elseif LuckTotal < 3.0 Modvalue(LeftMobilityCondition,-30) Modvalue(RightMobilityCondition,-30) elseif LuckTotal < 4.0 Modvalue(LeftMobilityCondition,-20) Modvalue(RightMobilityCondition,-20) elseif LuckTotal < 5.0 Modvalue(LeftMobilityCondition,-10) Modvalue(RightMobilityCondition,-10) elseif LuckTotal < 6.0 elseif LuckTotal < 7.0 Modvalue(HealthAV, 5) elseif LuckTotal < 8.0 Modvalue(HealthAV, 10) elseif LuckTotal < 9.0 Modvalue(HealthAV, 10) elseif LuckTotal < 10.0 Modvalue(HealthAV, 10) elseif LuckTotal < 11.0 Modvalue(HealthAV, 10) elseif LuckTotal > 10.0 Modvalue(HealthAV, 10) EndIf endEvent You're gonna have to do that for each special stat and add perks/modify values through papyrus for it to make a difference.
  7. https://github.com/SkyrimTogether Is where you'd probably want to start.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbTa3g23b_A circa 2013 "The current American President (the black guy) has blamed the causation of mass shootings on video game. While it may be a lame excuse to deflect the need for gun control, it is still a valid point for video game players to discuss." Party doesn't matter, everyone wants to blame video games because they're an easy scapegoat. The problem with "gun control" is that nothing proposed has any impact on crimes we've seen. The "assault weapons" ban is purely cosmetic. Magazine size restrictions are worthless because you can modify them very easily to expand them, and with a bit of practice you can reload in seconds anyway, and if you've seen videos of recent mass shootings they usually bring multiple weapons so they don't have to reload. A shooter could get a credit card with a $5k limit, go out and buy 20 hi point pistols for $2k, an assault-weapons-ban-approved arpistol for $650, a semi auto shotgun with extended shell tube for $360, and then tons of ammunition/range practice time. How do you prevent this? Background checks are no good because they don't have criminal histories, and those are already in place for all transactions but non-business person to person. Even those have some legal requirements in most states anyway (such as checking for either handgun permit, or handgun purchase permit and recording it). Ban standard capacity magazines? Guns are so cheap shooters are already opting to bring in multiple guns anyway The fact is if we want to reduce gun crime further (Which should a small priority imo, since if we focus on car deaths even a small fraction of an improvement would save way more people) we need to get tougher on crime by leaving criminals convicted of violent crimes (and especially firearms related crimes) in jail for life since they have such a high rate of recidivism. This was actually tested in Virginia (look up "Project exile") with good effect, but it was shut down despite being effective because it had a greater impact on minority communities.
  9. There are full auto sear parts kits for m16's, they used to be sold in gun shops for fairly cheap, but if you want to be technical, there's no legal difference between full auto and 3 round burst. Both are classified as NFA class 3 machine guns. Not that it matters too much that they're banned, as I've got a gen 2 hellfire trigger on my current AR, and it shoots just like a full auto does.
  10. Prior to 1986 I could go into gun stores and buy fully automatic m16s, yet they weren't used in mass shootings. Maybe the availability of full autos decreases mass shootings, and we should deregulate those again?
  11. I tried to soldier through vanilla and couldn't bring myself to go farther after 20~ hours. I'd say without mods FO4's a fundamentally flawed and generally bad game. This is probably why the NV modding community's more active than the FO4 mod community, which is why there's only a few really good big mods for FO4, which sucks because the engine's way better for stability in it, from what I've seen.
  12. If it wasn't for mods, I would have given Bethesda the boot long time ago. Since Morrowind they didn't publish any game that wasn't cringeworthy in it's vanilla state in my book. Fot me quality ended already with Oblivion, which was the last game ever, I preordered, in the vain hope, it would be Morrowind enhanced. Wellt, it wasn't. I don't buy Bethesda games in hopes of getting an exciting game experience, but in hopes of the modders to take care of the issues. All bethesda rpg(ish?) games tend to be junk compared to their modded versions, especially considering some of the mods are just bugfixes. It seems shocking that people playing (and hating) fallout 4 are only just learning this (or apparently not learning it at all.) It's completely normal to need to mod these games,fallout 4 is absolutely no exception; mods solve almost all of its problems that don't require the original voice actors to step in (something we can't really expect modders of any caliber to be able to do.) But people rant about fallout 4 like they're unaware -- OF COURSE it's really weak in vanilla. Of course it sucks. It's Bethesda. So I don't understand why there is so much rage at Fallout 4, when most of games are cringeworthy without mods. If you don't like Fallout 4... fix it! Just like you almost certainly did with Skyrim and the others, right? We shouldn't have to fix the games with mods, but I've been doing it since 2001. I expected I'd need to mod Fallout 4, just like I expected I'd need to mod Skyrim and Oblivion. Even New Vegas benefits greatly from mods. Prior to the release of fallout 4, the community was hoping Bethesda learned from Fallout NV's acclaim, which led to massive disappointment.
  13. Is Bethesda cared about listening for ideas on improvements we'd have a "quickstart" game option in their games by now where it skips the intro sequence without mods.
  14. Add the recipe on death in a script attached to each?
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