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Everything posted by makvool7

  1. Had the same problem when i tried to revert to ugrids=5 from 7 with the same method that doesnt seem to work as of 1.3.10. Not only it didnt work, but my savegames with ugrid=7 werent loading even though in Skyrim.ini it was set to 7. Anyway, in my Data folder I found a random quite large .ini file (not named Skyrim.ini , some random filename same as the filename of one of the plugins I am using - with .ini extension ofc). This file had a line with ugrids=5, which seemed to overwrite the setting from Skyrim.ini. After I deleted this at least I could load my save games. Gave up on trying to revert to 5 and OCed my GPU instead :P
  2. Hello everyone This might sound a bit silly, but I would love a sound replacement for sneak attacks. The current "drums rolling" sound just doesnt feel right.. Perhaps something like the WoW rogue backstab sound in this vid (afaik this sound changed in a later patch of wow). So anyone else thinks the current one just doesnt sound right or is it just me? ps. If you could post here the filename-location of the replacement file for this sound it would be very helpful Thanks
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