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Everything posted by kitcat81

  1. You can just block sexy-skimpy content and then go to the armor section to find out what is left there :)
  2. Oh, sorry,I thought you just want to make traveling not so lonely. I understand now that your goal is to attract player to some zone. I think you could use some ways depending on the event you want to happen there ..But it's still difficult because you don't know if player ever returns to Red Rocket or any other location. It's a free world game and player can wander or just sit in the same location for levels. Ways : An encounter who will inspire player to check the location. Finding some notes that do the same thing . (i.e. tracking player location and spawning some enemy behind his back with a note in the inventory) Straight forward way - adding a new quest with a task to visit the location. Less straight fotward way - meeting an encounter who gives a quest to visit the location Creating messy fight - will only work if player is somewhere nearby
  3. I ran into the issue only once. Did not used any mods listed in the thread at that point. I think it was just a random glitch ..Something was registered or unregistered improperly and it got baked into saves. Fixed it by going to some old save.
  4. You can check this mod NPC travel You don't normally spawn npc in unloaded area. You can track the location player is entering and spawn something there.
  5. It's not about him being a companion. Moira was funny and gave you unique hilarious quests :wink: And only when you came to her to talk...Preston is so annoying mostly because he does not feel like he has a personality...He is a function to spam you with radiant stuff that many people generally dislike. He has no other interests and no sense of humour. I like FO4 in many ways..But it really lacks some sense of humour and courage that the previous one had.
  6. This not really very good if you have lots of such mods checking the same thing every second. No reason to use timers when you can use events.
  7. Glad to know! ;) About scripts. You can't compile scripts into .esp. You have either to add them manually or pack them into BA2 archive. Download some mods manually , extract them to some test folder and see what files and folders they have inside. I.e. 'Invisible Furniture' mod has loose files so you can see how to add scripts as loose files. Many mods has them packed into BA2 which makes your mod esier to manage and remove. There are threads and arcticles that explain how to create an archive etc.
  8. Scripts are not included into .esp. They are saved in the Data->Scripts as pex files (non readable but essential for your mod to work), and psc files in Scripts ->Source->User(readable and essential if you want to edit the appropriate pex file). I can make and compile the script myself by copying your code from this thread, but anyone who is unable to do it won't be able to get your mod working. That's interesting about the generator. I was able to connect your generator to the conduit without problems. You only need it to have the required keywords and actor values to build a wire from it..Though if the model has no special CPA, the wire will grow from the middle bottom point which can make it difficult to connect sometimes. I'm a bit confused because the radio could not be picked or moved. I did not edit anything, just installed and went to Sanctuary to test. Have you created a crafting recipe for it?
  9. Hi there. If you want us to test you need to upload your script somewhere. I don't have a copy of it and don't know what changes has been made.
  10. Hey BigAndFlabby ..I think I know why, my bad. I forgot that I have only the .esp file :D . There is just no script with the required name in my folders. I followed the dropbox link, installed and did not pay attention that it's only .esp. I think you might be right and it can happen so because OnInit fires prior to power registration. The power was properly registered when I connected the generator to the conduit and also properly changes if I turn the generator off and on by activating it.
  11. Thanks for the tip! Did not even know that Elric is capable of this.
  12. Well...This requires more testing. BigAndFlabby has suggested you changing the value to at least 500. I suspect that the value can be the active radius value. Then 500 means that the radius is close to a couple of vanilla floors which is close to the reality. And you have only 50 . So maybe this is the reason that for me it only worked after connecting it to the conduit. But you also can go another way. Remove that value from the generator and leave it for player to build the wire. You can put a ladder there and some tools or maybe a skeleton to make it look like someone was going to connect it by died before completeing it. I don't think it would need creating a aquest, it's enough simple to guess.
  13. Ah sorry, I meant the generator is working fine..I meant your lights are not working. But I got the idea it's not completed yet. There is a difference between adding power to the workshop and transmitting it to other objects. Just to make it clear..Adding a generator makes the workshop register the power. But it does not automatically transmitts it to other objects. It just poduces it. In order to transmit you connect it to a conduit or power pylon. So you generator only affects other objects after connecting it to the counduit on the ceiling. Apart from this the radio is missing the script... And I don't know how to help with this..Try ading the script to the radio reference.
  14. Ok,thanks for the explanation, activating the generator seem to work and affect the lightbulb I built in the workshop mode ( only after connecting the generator to the conduit), but not the one you already have there. I suppose it was not set up to work yet. Then the only problem I can see is that the radio is missing the script. Maybe you need to delete the radio and add it back to the cell in order to get it updated ..Not really sure. I know how it should be done with craftable objects...But no idea about pre-build refs. But the script should be on the radio in order to work. And about the clean save. The fact that you could not make the radio play and I was able to do it in my game tells me that something is baked in your saves...Maybe start a new game to test it? Great thanks for all the info about snapping. I wil try to use all this options. i have tried one of them before. Tried to use Q and changed the value to 4, 8 or 16..But was unable to snap floors...There was always a small gap or overlap. Will try your methof with shift+q. Edit ...I see now what BigAndFlabbyHas posted so will have to check again..But for some reason there is no script on the placed radio in my game. Maybe I'm turning on the wrong radio ? :D I'm trying the one right next to the generator. Both scripts I posted - i have tested them . The short one is for non craftable objects the long on is for buildable/draggable objects. But I have tested in the workshop. It might need some additional steps in order to make it work on a pre-built object. Need to think about this.
  15. I had the same issue with armor and found out that it's easier to do it in FO4Edit. Find any outfit that uses material swaps (i.e. all bandanas) and check how it works in FO4Edit. There is some setting that is only visible in FO4Edit and is critical, but I can't remember now it's name. It's so much easier with other types of objects.
  16. Hi! I suspect that it was just a typo but just in case..they should be like this : diffusse = SomeName_d.dds normal = SomeName _n.dds specular = SomeName_s.dds Not sure what plugin you use to convert , but there is no BC5 option in the Intel plugin so it must be something else. I guess that BC5 is the same as DXT 5, am I right? If you use Nvidia plugin, you need to select 3Dc (3Dc XY normal map) compression. Other plugins can have the option too.
  17. Hi there. I installed your mod to test it. There are few things I have found that seemed weird: 1 The generator was already on when I entered the bunker. The power button on the wall did not work.So I could not turn it off at all. I was able to z-key the fusion core, but it also did not turn the generator off. 2 The radio that is staying near the generator has no scripts attached to it at all. You can easily check it by clicking it in console and typing SV. It just works as a usual Diamon city radio. Possible reasons : 1 You have not used a clean save to test it so you can't see the real state of things. You need to go back to any save where the mod was not installed and test there. 2 Can't comment on the script issue..I have almost no experince with building in the render window, hopefully someone else will be able to tell you how to attach a script to your object so it actually appears in game. Edit: Some more results: The power is not delivered to the radio unless you build a wire from your generator to the conduit on the ceiling. Then power works properly ( I built a light bulb nearby to see if it works), but the radio has no scripts on it so it does not react on power and just keeps working as a vanilla radio. Just one question not related to your mod :wink: ..I'm trying to build something in the CK. But I'm really horrible with it and feel frustrated with the lack of tools to adust things to the required position. It drives me crazy how I can't snap objects in the way I need. Is there any secret I'm missing ?
  18. What is the problem with registry entries? Do you mean Windows registry entries? Sorry, I'm just note sure what entries you meant. I think it should be possible to edit triggerevent in XEdit too . But I can't tell you how. Many quests don't run all the time. They are triggered by some event with conditiones and stop when the scene has finished playing. Dialogues only work in running quests.
  19. Not exactly, just use animations made for two different weapons with a single one weapon, under separate conditions. Unless, of course, the bolt cycle animation and the lever cycle animation are somehow a part of their respective reloads, but I think they should be separate. So, basically, I want to use the Lever Action animations for everything EXCEPT cycling each individual shot, which would use the bolt action one. Not sure if that made sense, but if the animations are as separated as I hope nothing about them should need to be edited. Does the weapon have a 'slot' for both? I mean do you want just to replace one of the realodiing animations for some weapon with an animation for another one? if so I believe this is possible. Though not 100% sure.Then it will require extracting all animations for some certain gun, replacing the required animation. Then creating new animation records with your custom Anims keyword. Then adding the keyword to your gun. I have not done anything like this...But I had some fun combining animations from different furniture and even adding non furniture animations to craftable markers...And suprisignly for me it worked.. Though the result was not always something I expected.:P The worst headache I had with creating the anim text data files...Took hours to figure it out.
  20. BiggAndFlabby already has noticed the problem an he is right. The script is for your radio. It should be attached to the radio. The generator requires a power pylon or conduit. Just like when you build in the workshop. Without conduit, it can only work for objects that are wired to it. The radio should be in the active radius of the conduit that is wired to the generator.
  21. Adding new animations is not difficult. Copy human race and in Subgraph Data tab set it 'additive' . Then you can add animations without altering game files. It's possible to combine some certain animations when they are separate files. I.e. you can combine some furniture enter or exit animations with some idle from another furniture animation. But they must be compatible and fit along z axis. Some combinations just don't work. Then you also need to run Windows command line like this : C:\Windows\System32>"D:\Steam UserName\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\CreationKit.exe" -GenerateAnimInfo:ModName.esp Data Data (this is to generate Anim text data files). To find animations path find HumanRaceSubgraphData in the Ck and find there animations you want. Then find them in Fallout4 - Animations.Ba2
  22. Heh. Learn something new every day. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around "radio". We are talking about the little radios next to workbenches that play DCR or classical, right? And you are making them require power instead of the assumed batteries? Lol it's been a loooong week. :) Yes. But you can make a huge radio too. This is more like immitating power dependence. Got the idea. If your generator generates some power like a usual workshop generator, then I guess it should work fine with the radio. Lights don't work the same as radio. The script depends on the object original behavior that is defined inside the nif file and the type of the object. Obviously you can't use 'SetRadioOn' for lights. To create a universal script that would work for all objects more info is required. A list of all objects and nif files that should be powered. More info aboiut your generator. Is it supposed to be turned only once or should it be able to be turned on and off at any time etc.
  23. Maybe this one https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25664/
  24. I downloaded your mod and the first thing I noticed that you don't have the proper path. Not sure if that's the reason of the problem but I always create a path like this (lets say our mod is called 'CustomFollowers') CustomFollowers(folder)-> Data(folder)-> your .esp and .BA2 files. Yoy are missing Data folder in your archive. Never had problems...though I usually use zip.
  25. Glad to help! Note , if you your radio is not going to be a craftable object, the script I posted before is enough. But if you want the radio to be movable in workshop mode, you need to change the script. This is because OnPowerOff and On can fire while you are dragging the object away or closer to a generator. And the game dislikes some changes made while the object is grabbed. So in this case is should be something like this : Bool myStateOn Event OnInit() If !IsPowered() BlockActivation(true) EndIf EndEvent Auto State Waiting Event OnPowerOn(ObjectReference akPowerGenerator) BlockActivation(false) If myStateOn==true SetRadioOn(true) EndIf EndEvent Event OnPowerOff() BlockActivation(true) if IsRadioOn() SetRadioOn(false) EndIf EndEvent Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) If IsPowered() If IsRadioOn()==true myStateOn=true Else myStateOn=false EndIf Else ; do my stuff (i.e. show a message that we need to be powered) EndIf EndEvent EndState Event onWorkshopObjectGrabbed(ObjectReference akReference) GoToState ("Paused") EndEvent State Paused Event onWorkshopObjectMoved(ObjectReference akReference) If !IsPowered() BlockActivation() If myStateOn==true SetRadioOn(false) EndIf Else If myStateOn == true SetRadioOn(true) EndIf blockActivation(false) EndIf GoToState("Waiting") EndEvent EndState
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