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Nexus Mods Profile

About ThatSpartacusGuy

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    The Division
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout Series

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  1. I am already premium so I never noticed that a No Ads for Mod Authors thing was implemented. It is WE who should be thanking you, Nexus, not the other way around. Without a common place for us to share our work, most of us probably wouldn't have tried becoming authors in the first place. Thank YOU, Nexus Staff.
  2. Since Patch 10 you do not need to add the vanilla Ba2 entries to the sResourceArchive2List because Bethesda implemented hardcoded loading of the vanilla archives. All you have to do is place this in your Fallout76Custom.ini: [Archive] sResourceArchive2List = your mod names This new implementation by Bethesda ensures that all vanilla archive WILL load no matter what. Your mods will still load after the vanilla ones when placed in the empty listing.
  3. This is a mod idea I have but cannot make myself Name: We The People Description: A weapon named "We The People" that fires 6in x 6in or smaller pieces of workshop wall pieces. Rename all the Raiders in the game to "Illegal Aliens" or "Illegal Immigrants". Have the weapon include a custom Legendary effect that does extra damage or one-shots the "Illegals" with wall pieces. Is it too controversial? Any takers on this idea?
  4. Also, don't forget that the shader flag will most likely be ignored if the Shader Property has a name that links it to a material, as I just found was the case with my CBBE vault tec security armor replacer. Working on fixing that soon in an update. Thank you for this info, couldn't wrap my head around why this mesh was textured one sided. The meshes are CBBE conversions of the original, so my knowledge was limited.
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