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About mclericp

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    Skyrim, mw3, oblivion, fable 3, witcher 2, Batman, Dragonnest
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  1. In response to post #22541594. #22558134 is also a reply to the same post. hope either fo4 or es6 maybe both?
  2. In response to post #11064103. yea it is worrying. I hated having to manually download and then drag everything into the NMM to install because i wont be able to see the latest version of the mod that way. Not to mention i used to get 2x as much speed via NMM. If u ask me, i rather have 0.46 NMM rolled back into 0.44, back when NMM isnt 'supporting all games'. Because i nvr had such errors then.
  3. idk about you but i cant download anything using NMM. I get server unreachable and error
  4. Hello! So the creator of the original K ENB has made 3 other enbs: Kinematic enb, K enb extensive and Kountervibe enb Problem is i dont know which to get! My system(building tmr): i5 3470 8gb ddr3 ram 7200rpm HDD seagate 500gb barracuda AMD r9 270(non x version) MSI. Case is one of the better ventilated ones. I dont know which of these 4 enbs to get because they all look the same, but i want the best of the best that can actually run decently on my rig along with mods like skyrim 2k, WATER, SFO etc. I would appreciate greatly for an answer, thanks a lot http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
  5. I was downloading this 1gb file called interesting npc just now and it was going around 900kb/s but then my crappy internet decides to dc me and the file was corrupted at 98% fml... So i went back and redownload on the same server(san jons) and now i can only get max of 300kb/s. How the heck did i get 900kb/s just now So which server is the fastest for Sydney people?
  6. Not sure if this is the right place, but Has Hentai/Zotman uploaded any new works lately? The last upload is in April and it has been inactive since. Did anyone know what happened to him/her?
  7. ah i found it. I never seen northwind summit or northwind mine. Guess i learn new stuff everyday
  8. funny thing is. If u accept the quest and go into the tombs, the skeletons will chase you(obviously). If you escape through the door, they will follow you. Thats how Andurs died... oh well, guess whiterun needs a new hallofthedeadperson
  9. http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/3506/32595071335353369.jpg although this pic is weird, i m interesting in where to find this word wall location. I never seen this place in skyrim before. There is a shack nearby too.
  10. I noticed NPCs can lie on the ground, sit down on the ground and even lean against the wall. Now if u are a person like me who uses Camping mods + frostfall, after pitching your tent...what do u do. I cant find a place to rest/sit and sleeping does not count. Which is why i am requesting for a sitting on the ground animation. Please? :D
  11. So i am the archmage now. Savos died and that breton girl died too. Alcano died as well. I looked around, and i need a new administration girl and an adviser. More importantly, why are there only 3 students in the college...?! It seems so empty. Will a modder add more students, admins and advisors into the college?
  12. this thread is popular now. 0.0 with so many viewers. I swear it is steam trying to kill skyrim.nexus maybe? maybe not CONSPIRACY!!!
  13. its down for everyone, i think, from reading other ppl posts, guess it isnt my ISP. Server prolly got crashed or something. Well, ima go chill at tesnexus.com
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