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About cyrusmagnus

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  1. In response to post #54935243. #54935523, #54947223, #54947753, #54954958, #54955858, #54958068, #54976953, #54985023 are all replies on the same post. Your complaint is odd. Honestly, it feels like you're just disappointed Tannin didn't finish MO2 and are trying to lash out and be deceptively destructive of this project. Your questions are logical, but missing a critical point: software development is hard enough by yourself, but exponentially compounded in difficulty by every additional voice you add to the mix. So they have Tannin, Dark0ne, the team, and 30 people looking at it. That means if person number 28 has an idea of how something could look/be better, and they voice it, they then have to query 30+ other people on if they agree or disagree. Let's say 25% of them agree, does that mean it should change? Is it majority rule? Does Tannin have the final say? Does Dark0ne? Why on Earth do you think they'd want to open that process up to thousands of people before they've even decided in house, for sure, what they want to do? In this update Dark0ne specifically pointed out that they aren't even finalized. They're close, but close is meaningless in development. You never know what will happen next. Again, your questions are logical, but you don't deserve to ask them. You're not paying for this product. You are not a client. You're just some lucky guy that gets to have all this free stuff plopped in their lap for nothing. If it takes 2 months or 2 years, whatever gets made has nothing to do with your opinion or entitled demands for information. You want your own mod managing software? Learn to code and make it yourself, and stop pestering the people who are actually doing the work with your whining.
  2. In response to post #49991932. It's except, not accept. As in, an exception to the rule, "except for the majority". Accept is used to receive something; you can accept an award, for example. Call me old fashioned, but I like the names "Nexus Mod Manager" and "Mod Organizer". When I was going through school getting my computer science degree, we were taught to name our variables with nomenclature that designated the purpose of the variable. If you had a variable that measured the rate at which something moved you wouldn't name it "x" you'd name it "velocity" or even "theRateAtWhichSomethingMoves". Are they coding a mod organizer/manager, or are they creating a vortex, which really doesn't even make sense since a vortex is only something based upon it's parts, contextually or specifically. If I say, "Oh wow, look at that vortex!" you won't know what I'm even talking about. Vortex requires further explanation, a vortex of "something". Energy, water, time/space... typically fluids. Vortex describes a kind of motion, not a thing. It's a really odd noun in the English language. If anything, it seems like the maker of the nexus just has a thing for two syllable words with X's in them. lol Vortex, "a whirling mass of ..." water, air, energy, fire... etc. Mods? A whirling mass of mods? Is that what they're going for? I don't really want my mods being a whirling mass... I want them organized, or managed. Handling mods doesn't need to be flashy or branded. We just want a mod organizer that's going to work well. Call it whatever you want I suppose. The name isn't going to matter. Vortex sounds like a flash in the pan though, and won't tell anybody what it is from the name. Ever heard of Minion? It's an addon/mod manager. Yeah, I didn't think so.
  3. Charges would be so awesome... you could use it with apocalypse spells like Ghost walk to go walk behind the enemy, put it in the hallway behind them, then insta return, say hello, they rush at you while their friends come rushing from further down impeded by your trap. xD That'd be so cool...
  4. Ooooo, the FBI rootkit one... that's a nasty one too. :/ Good luck to all affected!
  5. Raise dead! I'm still running into this issue, and there is very little useful information available through google search about it. It seems most people are content to merely say "just change the ini" after being told that doesn't work. So if you found Wrye Bash was the issue, what about those of us that have uninstalled said bashing of wryes? Should it still be affecting the camera such that changing the ini has no effect whatsoever? *frustrated*
  6. You know, I'd love to see more responses to this. I've exported/imported from nif to blender, using .obj. The item looks great in Blender, I go about deleting vertices, having the item linked to it's UV so I can watch the UV get properly edited as I go, then I export/import (obj) over to Nifscope. The item pops in, using a random material, ok that's fine, I delete the material and have the item (glassCuirass) just steal the nodes from the glassCuirass I'm replacing, only keeping it's new NiTriShapeData, so it has all it's fancy new verts and triangles and what have you. Well, it looks great. I Edit UV on it, yup, UV is fine and dandy. Alright, remove block on the old glassCuirass item, and it's NiTriShapeData block... kk, now it's just blocks I need. Everything is still golden in the little modeling window. I face the normals, update all tangent space... yup. Save. Now I open up glassCuirass_0 (I was doing _1), copy branch my new glassCuirass into the _0, remove branching the other one's glassCuirass first, and voila. Both files have the exact same glassCuirass item, will all nodes the same. Now it should scale appropriately right? No weird reads going on between two armors with identical armor blocks... I go into game, and what do I see? My armor is a mini-hurricane of triangles scattered to the winds around my character. So. Wtf. Seriously. Any input. Appreciated. As long as you read all of this. ;) Oh, unless you're going to tell me to go get the nif import/export script. I'm trying to figure out a way to do this with .obj. Thanks.
  7. So... is this new Forgotten Realms ripoff going to be for adults or children, because if you're anti nude mod I can only guess you want a sexless blood fest. Love to be proven wrong though! It is truly a sickness in this world that violence can be so exhalted while basic, naturally, nudity can be so reviled. :`(
  8. You can always just load up a save file and ~showracemenu in order to get into character creation if you want to test the sliders. Also, check out CBBE's mod. I think he's done some nice work, it'd be cool if you two worked together rather than having multiple mods doing the same thing. We could use more 3d people for armors for CBBE's and your kind of meshes. :D
  9. I highly recommend the mod, "AutoPerksStatsLevel" it gives you a much more immersive game. Change the settings for summons and runes to 10. You won't be able to use all of them because you'll run out of mana, but it is quite fun to summon a pack of familiars, ie wolves. They die in one hit, so don't expect to be OP. It's just fun. 2 or 3 flame autronaches though, that's downright useful. Again, you'll be limited by mana, as you should be as a mage (not by some preordained one summon limit). Once you get to daedra lords though... it's a bit much, but by then anything is a bit much. A max enchanted/smithed two hand sword is going to be insane. A 30x max enchanted/smithed dagger sneak attack too. So yeah, 2 or 3 daedra lords. You are that powerful at that point no matter your build. In short, the game is easy. With swords, with spells. If you know what you're doing. It tends to be a lot of, I know what I'm doing and I win, or oh s*** what's that, dead, take two, win. *shrug*
  10. CBBE was not the first nudity mod. It is the most striking though. It's just a shame that the smoothness and high poly count is so out of place in Skyrim, game of the year 2011? Maybe they're going to make it an mmo... :/
  11. What he's talking about is that he has the new v0.2 of Caliente's body mod but he has some other person's "skimpy" armor or clothing mod. So if people are completely naked, they will show perfect little bodies, but if they are wearing the "skimpy" armor or clothing, it will use either a v0.1 Caliente texture that is coded into the armor/clothing with the new v0.2 mesh. The distortion he's talking about are massive nipples/aerolas. I think I mispelled the latter, but anywho. Just use v0.1 of Caliente if you want to use the armor/clothing with boobies hanging out everywhere, or only use v0.2 if you want normal people with hotty bods underneath their hum drum attires. Uninstall any "skimpy" armor or clothing in that case. Ta ta.
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