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Community Answers

  1. Make sure you read the requirements for each mod. Many of them require both of the DLC.
  2. The code for the Grim Dawn extension is quite simple. It installs all mods to a "mods" folder. It does not have support for load ordering. It is not modded the same way as a Bethesda game like Skyrim or Fallout would be. https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/vortex-games/blob/master/game-grimdawn/index.js
  3. Remove. You can always add it back again with the + button at the bottom of the list.
  4. You can also use this extension to export and import mods lists. I've used it multiple times and it seems to work well. https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/67
  5. Did you upload the collection to Nexus? If you don't upload it, it's stored in your local data only. It's always a good idea to backup your Vortex data so it can be restored before you wipe your drive.
  6. The extension does not have support for the Epic version of the game. The executable name is probably different for the EGS version. This is not uncommon. The extension author would need to add support for multiple executable names to the Vortex extension. https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/301?tab=posts
  7. Are you downloading mods from the Skyrim SE Nexus Mods domain? If so, you cannot stop Vortex from placing the archives into the downloads folder for skyrimse. This is intended behavior by Vortex. That is the domain in the mod's metadata, so that is where the downloaded archive is stored. You can still use the mod just fine. Why are you so concerned with where the downloaded archive is stored? Skyrim VR does not have it's own domain on Nexus Mods, so all mod metadata will be for Skyrim SE.
  8. Might have something to do with that tilde in your Windows username. Using special characters there is highly inadvisable and can cause all kinds of issues with many programs.
  9. That would have to be done at the extension level using the "ignoreConflicts" and/or "ignoreDeploy" parameters when registering the game with Vortex. Basically, you need to ask the extension author to add it.
  10. Why would you want to do this? You can move the downloads and staging folders to another drive, but you should not attempt to move the Vortex application or the Roaming AppData folder. Just change the downloads folder and mod staging folder for your games. The core size of Vortex is only 550MB.
  11. This error means Vortex is not able to communicate with GitHub to update the bundled extensions for Vortex, which would include Skyrim VR (though it has not been updated recently). Could you provide a screenshot of the error?
  12. It doesn't really matter where they came from (i.e. what website). It matters what's inside the archive. Mods from Nexus are verified by their contents. You can see this easily by downloading an archive manually from Nexus and then dragging and dropping the zip into Vortex. It will install the mod and retrieve it's metadata from the site. It does this by looking at the archive size and calculating a hash. Sometimes, mods from other sources will retrieve Nexus Mods metadata because they happen to match a mod on the site. If Vortex does not have a data source, it cannot assign any identity to the mod. And there is therefore no way to confirm its identity. And therefore it will download the mod from the collection again. https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Vortex/blob/a0f26d3a2d702c59300ec77b80caa68b19d208ad/src/util/ExtensionManager.ts#L1693
  13. For mods not on Nexus Mods, there is no reliable way to verify if you already had the mod installed because Vortex has no metadata to confirm the mod's identity. So yes, it's gonna download them again. The only way to avoid this would be to make a metadata server for every source of the mods to provide reliable metadata to Vortex.
  14. Wow lmao. Did not expect that one. Definitely recommend Chrome, Edge, or Brave (Chromium-based) for Nexus Mods. Firefox is know to have issues with sign-in, though downloading seems to work fine. Which browser extension was causing the issue? Just so people who find this thread later can be helped.
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