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Community Answers

  1. Hitting "Reinstall" should bring you through the install menu again. If not, then select UNINSTALL, the Install the mod again.
  2. I didn't START anything. The person necroed this thread about my comment from THREE YEARS ago, and I responded to them, and then YOU jumped in, for the only reason to call everybody WRONG. Apparently you couldn't help yourself and just move on. Anyway, Goodbye, I've put you on ignore, so I won't be bothered with your posts anymore. No wonder I try to stay out of these forums.
  3. LOL, you continued to argue about it, after somebody necroed it from THREE YEARS AGO. For a non-issue you sure kept arguing about it, nice attempt to bow out and make it look like it wasted your time, when it was you who decided to argue about it. Thanks for reminding me I hate the internet though. People will argue about anything, including three year old comments.
  4. A file to be shared, With a Link, on a sharing site. How else would you share a file?
  5. "Sharing a file, requires a download link to share it.
  6. That post was made THREE YEARS AGO. And it's STILL against the ToS, because they were asking for a "Manually Downloaded file they would be willing to SHARE" That, is against the ToS.
  7. Your problem is GROUPS Are you creating GROUPS, or Adding Mods to Groups and then sorting by Groups? Because Groups don't work the way you think they do. You have way too many rules also. When you get the problem you have, it's because You're putting Mods in Groups, and then trying to sort a mod in that Group, ABOVE or BELOW another MOd that's in a Different Group, that's how you end up with Cyclical Rules. EX: Group A loads AFTER Group B You put MOD A in Group B, and you put MOD B in Group A, and then for some reason, you make a rule for MOD B to LOAD AFTER MOD A, but, because you have Mod A in Group B (All Mods in Group B will LOAD AFTER all Mods in GROUP A), the rule you made for MOD B can NEVER load AFTER MOD A, because Mod A is already loading AFTER Mod B because of the GROUPS you have them in. Groups aren't like Categories like in the old Nexus Mod Manager. This rat's nest of cyclical rules usually happens when people use groups incorrectly and think they're using Groups to "Organize Things", but it works against you. because Groups are a higher order "Sorting Method" Also, don't try to get your MOD tab to match your PLUGIN tab either, that's another way you end up with a rat's nest of stuff. I've seen people literally create HUNDREDS of Rules, just to get an ESP to load at the bottom of their load order, when all they had to do was put that ESP in a Group that automatically sorts to the bottom of the load order, which avoids having to make Hundreds of rules. For instance, if you wanted Rich Merchants.esp to load at the bottom of your load order, instead of making hundreds of "RichMerchanmts.esp loads AFTER Mod a.esp, mod b.esp, mod c.esp etc. You would just double click on the ESP in the PLUGINS tab, and in the right hand pop-out screen you would pick the GROUP Dropdown and select "Late Fixes & Changes" (The groups are listed in the order that they sort in the load order, making it easy to choose a group to put your esp in)
  8. Thanks for the reply. I really hope this comes about soon, because there's a veritable GOLD MINE of info, troubleshooting tips, Mod Setups, Load order tips, "how to get an old mod working tips" etc for Classics like Morrowind, and Oblivion etc hidden in those comment sections.
  9. Before the Website change over, we used to be able to click the FORUM VIEW (Or View Forum Thread) button above the comment section of all the mod pages, and do a forum search, which made it super easy to search pages and pages of comments in order to quickly find comments that showed how to set up a mod, or fix a missing texture in a mod etc... Now that ability is gone, and we have to slog through (sometimes) 100s of pages of comments to find a particular helpful/useful comment. When is the ability of Searching the Comment Section coming back, this was an INVALUABLE TOOL. that is currently gone, rendering the comment sections useless.
  10. Is the Morrowind May Modathon finished? If so, WHERE are the RESULTS and Links to the mods? It used to be nice, to just have the MODS tagged on the site, so I could find them all while browsing the Morrowind Section, now I have no idea WHERE the LIST is, or even if the Modathon COmpetition is even DONE. If it's finished and the l;ist is posted somewhere with Mod Links, it's one of the best kept secrets currently on the internet. Why even have the competition if it just fades into obscurity with no announcements whether it's over or not, and what were the winning mods? I use the Modathon to find really good, and new mods for Morrowind, but this Year and the last two years, I've found nothing except the initial announcement of the May Modathon, then Silence. *EDIT* I found a link to the Participating Mods, in an easily overlookable Link in the News article, hopefully that's what I need.
  11. THe way I use VOrtex, I break the Links between the staging folder and game folder, when I edit an ESP, so I'm assuming that the edited ESP, because of the broken link, will let the edited ESP stay in the DATA folder rather than being purged, because it would be a real pain in the ass to have to re-edit the esp every single time Vortex does something.
  12. I've reported this problem a couple of times, and have been told it's MY fault, despite it not being my fault. I've run CHKDSK, PerfectDisk and other tools that all report my disks are fine, it's only Vortex, and Vortex alone that gives this error.
  13. So Vortex purges after every deployment now? What about if I edit an ESP for a bethesda game using Xedit? Does the edited ESP get purged and an unedited ESP replace it? Because I do extensive ESP edits.
  14. When was it modified to break the functionality? Because it has worked for YEARS, until the day I posted this thread.
  15. It's a variation of Chrome, and the button not working started happening today. I've been using Vivaldi for years on this site. I reported it because it's a recent development.
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