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Nexus Mods Profile

About Dulkan

  1. I've seen this picture today: http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/10412120-1421167265.jpg Does anybody know the mod this armor is in? Thanks.
  2. Yes, the file you made fixes the problem. Thank you. Regarding the secret masters. The problem is, that mlox sorts it wrong. Mlox puts the mca-patch very early in the load order, far ahead of secretmasters itself. When creating the loadorder, mlox then puts out a warning, that the mca-patch is missing scretmasters. This only happens, because mlox itself sorts it wrong and loads secretmasters after the patch. It shouldn't matter in any way, as all the mca-patch does is to remove a hostile spawn point, i.e. it should work as long as it's loaded after mca. My loadorder, as created by mlox, looks like this: _011_ LGNPC_SecretMasters_MCA5.esp .... _030_ LGNPC_SecretMasters_v1_30.esp Which creates this warning: [PATCH] !!'LGNPC_SecretMasters_MCA5.esp' is missing some pre-requisites: [ALL 'LGNPC_SecretMasters_v1_30.esp', It's ultimately a meaningless issue, save for the potential to confuse the user. Though I have to say, it's rather strange, that it's still unclear, whether the compability patch is needed. There have been 3 major releases of MCA since then and it appears MCA development is still active (atl east the current version was uploaded to the nexus last month).
  3. Regarding the TR warning: I think the most important thing is to tell the user, that mlox cannot check whether the ini-edit was done. This should avoid confusion, as I assumed mlox could and was referring to some other problem. I did redownload and reinstall Blood & Gore, but the error remains. If I activate other addons for mods I don't use, I get similar errors referring to creatures added by those mods. Example: Object "skeleton_arch_keep_MWA" not found for dialogue type Voice Info "EMPTY" So I think the tribunal-addon tries to access some testcell, which doesn't exist. But if that's the case, then everybody using B&G 2.14 should have this error. Hmm. Everything is green in Wrye Mashand the repair function reports no problems. Mlox load order is updated, The error occurs on game start and appeared before I even had a savegame. Edit: I did find a patch on mwhistory, which supposedly fixes this exact issue, but it's for the blood & gore main file http://mw.modhistory.com/download-72-10543 I have no error messages, when I deactivate the blood & gore tribunal addon. edit: I tried older versions of the tribunal add-on.esp and the one from version 2.12 produces no errors. This file is also 600 byte larger than the newer versions. I'd say, this testcell was removed in 2.13, but the reference to it was not. However, I can't fathom how this could have gone unnoticed for several years, including another update to 2.14, which is why I doubt this conclusion. Another thing regarding mlox. For some reason mlox decides not to load LGNPC_Secretmasters_v_1_30 before LGNPC_SecretMasters_MCA5. The latter being a compability patch for MCA and dependant on the former is being loaded very early as the second esp-file, while secretmasters itself is loaded 20 plugins later. Mlox then goes on to complain about the missing prerequisite for secretmasters_MCA, after having sorted it wrong itself. :D Edit: though I wonder, whether the patch is even necessary anymore, as its for MCA5, which is quite outdated.
  4. Thank you all again. Got the game running with all the mods I wanted and didn't enconuter any problems so far after an hour. Amazing job by the modders. The graphical update is massive and the world appears much more lively, I can't wait to explore more. @dragon The wording on this warning is rather accusatory and confusing, if you did the edit already, but are new to modding Morrowind. Isn't it possible for mlox to check the morrowind.ini whether the ini-edit has been made? If not, I'd word it more like that: "Remember: Tamriel Rebuilt requires an ini-edit to work properly. If you haven't done so already, please check the TR-Readme to find out what to do. Mlox cannot check, whether you completed this step." I do have two more minor issues. 1. On startup I get this error message twice: Cell "_TLgore_Test_Cell" not found for dialogue type Voice Info "EMPTY" It occurs during loading of the blood & gore tribunal addon. It doesn't seem to affect gameplay, only this error message. Any idea how I can get rid of it? 2. The warnings.txt also shows these messages Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3. Texture "Data Files\Textures\menu_thick_border_topsbdark.dds" count 2. I assumed this meant I had duplicates of these files, but I cannot find more than one copy of either file. What do these warnings mean? Anything I should do about those?
  5. Thank you all, I didn't realize Nexus isn't the primary mod source. A shame, that many of the mods listed at mythic are nowhere to be found anymore. I did install everything today, a bit annoyed at the MGSO installer forcing me to use its built-in code patch 2.0, when I applied code patch 2.1 beforehand. Let alone the fact, that the installer disables mouse & keyboard for no reason at several points. I'll have to do a new installation tomorrow to work out the kinks, but it looked pretty good so far. My main problem was, that I wanted to use the facepack compilation, so I didn't install the improved heads from MGSO. Apparently the facepack isn't a head-mod however and one of the mods I installed after MGSO (most likely MCA) requires more heads. Thus I have headless npcs with big exclamation marks everywhere. MGSO crashes, when I try to install the heads afterward and after manually installing betterheads MW crashes on startup. A few more questions: 1. Is the blood & gore mod redundant? It produces several warnings and there appears to be a tribunal-addon for it missing. So, is the functionality already included in MGSO? 2. Does MCA need Westly's headpack, as the nexus says or do MGSO heads also work? 3. I selected 1920x1080 during the installation of MGSO, but the game always starts in a 1280x960 window. Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? 4. Several older mods like Giants and well at dagon fell produce this error-message on game start: One of the files that "DagonFel_Well_v2.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save. This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message I don't know why, as I don't even have a savegame. I don't think it's very important, but is there a way to get rid of this error message? 5. mlox shows me this warning: "Users who fail to register the BSA correctly will often find that loading Tamriel Rebuilt will result in a lot of "missing meshes/animation" error dialog messages popping up on load, some even fatal. Please double-check your Morrowind.ini file to ensure our Data Archive is registered properly, otherwise the game won’t load." Is this just a general warning regarding the ini-edit needed for TR or something else? Hollaajith, if it were that easy. I always like to do the optimal thing. I could try and force myself not to do it, but it goes against my nature. I'm sure, I'd be annoyed getting only 4-6 attribute points on lvlup, when I could get 11 or 15. Therefore I'd prefer to use a mod.
  6. Hello, I've been thinking about starting a new Morrowind playthrough with mods for a while now and am in the process of collecting and downloading the mods. A few questions: 1.MGSO is the big graphics- and sound overhaul. Are any of the other graphics mods useful or necessary? In the top 25 files alone I find mods like better bodies, armor, clothing, heads, several texture packs and MGE. I wonder, whether the things these mods do are already part of MGSO or if they offer an improved version. 2. I plan on installing MW: Rebirth and Tamriel Rebuilt. How likely are compatibility problems with smaller quest/content mods? From what I've seen, it'll be a bit of work to get MGSO, MR and TR to work with each other, so I'd like to avoid further hassle. 3. Is there a mod to change the levelling system? I always hated the strategy of having to increase a bunch of minor skills before levelling to get the maximum attribute points. 4. Any mods in particular I need to have to improve the experience? 5. I noticed MW-Nexus lacks the immersion category. Are there no immersion/realism mods? Thank you for any help.
  7. Thanks, that's how it looks. But this mod doesn't seem to work anymore, I think SkyUI simply takes precedence and I like the rest of SkyUI. I'm also 100% certain I never used QD Inventory, so there must be some other mod, which does this.
  8. Thanks, but no, those are not it. The categories were sorted in a horizontal bar on the top of the screen and the individual crafts in a big vertical list on the left of the screen.
  9. Hello, I once had a mod or an option, which changed the crafting menu so the categories are shown at the top of the screen from left to right and there is a nice big list of craftable items on the left side. I recently reinstalled Skyrim and the crafting menu is vanilla-style again and I can't figure out, which mod did this change. I have SkyUI and CCOR installed; is it some option in one of those or a different mod?
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