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Posts posted by stabbykitteh

  1. Sorry I don't know what's causing your issue... But a few things: there is no quest requirement beside buying the land. The option to build the apiary for Lakeview should be showing up under Misc as soon as you buy the land. And, you shouldn't have to choose between it and something else.


    Yes, unrelated mods can mess things up. Maybe post your mod list?

  2. Are you talking about building the enchanting table in Hearthfire? The grand soul gem needs to be filled. They aren't very specific on that one.


    Sorry if that's not what you were asking. It's the only thing I could think of that needs a grand soul gem to craft.


    If it's not Hearthfire, what are you trying to craft?

  3. The only way I know of is to contact Steam support and ask them to remove it from your account. I did the same thing for a long time - used the loose files - and beside the annoying clutter in the Data folder, having the esps / bsas didn't seem to effect loading or anything else negatively..
  4. You may have already found this in your searches, but if not... Have you tried disabling all the workbenches for the manor if you can? Disable all of them, save and reload. If you aren't done building you can enable one at a time to build. If you have a recent save prior to building the house, maybe try going back and when you build, build one section at a time and remove the workbench before you start another section.


    I had a bear of a time with Hearthfire errors and CDT's and this advice helped considerably.


    Also - consider grabbing a copy of TES5Edit and use it to clean the Update, Dawnguard and Hearthfire esms.

    Gopher has a great video

    that will explain why this helps and how to go about it. I've not had one crash since cleaning.
  5. Nope you don't need the src folder unless your going to make mods that take advantage of SKSE.


    If you haven't already seen it, Gopher has made a helpful vid on SKSE:


  6. I see this as a mercy killing, requested by someone who pitied his sorry existance. Of course its possible someone wanted his house. I felt really bad about killing the Bride :(


    Aye, it's possible someone was trying to do him a favor... but to go through the ritual just to kill a harmless beggar? It would have been easier just to give him some coin or a job sweeping out the Inn. Bleeding heart I guess, even when RP'ing teh evil.

  7. Is there a reason to update to 1.8? I'm perfectly happy running with 1.7. What is the actual benefit? Most of the discussion seems to revolve around whether or not the new patch does harm, and if there is a way to do it without messing up your game or having to start new characters. But what does one gain from the update? Anyone see an improvement in performance or stability? Or anything?


    Not really seeing any benefit. I was having some CTD issues but I'm not sure if it was Hearthfire, the patch or both (been running 1.8 from beta hoping it would solve some Hearthfire issues). But, since cleaning the Update, Dawnguard and Hearthfires esms with TES5Edit the game has been very stable.


    @ginny In my experience you won't see the new format update until you try to start the game with the vanilla launcher.

  8. The .skse saves are part of the new versions of SKSE. They only store script information for SKSE as far as I know. They are very small files and won't hurt anything.


    I don't know what version of A Thinner Compass you are using, but this is the suggestion from the iHud readme:


    For anyone having problems with missing HUD elements:


    2) If you are using the iHUD Compatible version of 'A Thinner Compass' you should uninstall this. You can use the standard version of 'A Thinner Compass' but note that it will prevent you getting a crosshair [pluses] when mounted. This is not a conflict, it is a problem with [A Thinner Compass] as it has not been updated for some time.


    So if I put "A Thinner Compass," the first version returns the crosshair pulse? Right?


    No, he's saying you wont have a crosshair when you're on a horse.

  9. Poor Narfi. There are a quite a few heartless quests in the game, depending on your alignment, but killing Narfi for the Dark Brotherhood is... cruel. This time out, knowing the path my character was taking I made sure I did his little side quest first so he would at least be at peace... Nazir's comment to you on your return to the sanctuary doesn't help.


    "Congratulations. You slaughtered an emaciated beggar in cold blood. You are truly an opponent to be feared."


    *hangs head in shame*

  10. Does anyone know how long the Steam's conversion to new format is supposed to take?

    Steam says its checking my existing files but its been about an hour now and I don't know if its even running properly.

    I'm all in for a long update but I would have liked to have known what it was before it started.

    I see the memory ticking by but It hasn't done anything yet and I'm afreaid to touch it.

    Does anyone else attach Steam operations to something akin to a fascist state where you, the peon, are only on a need to know basis?


    It only took a few minutes for me and I've had no problem with it. Some on the Steam forums are saying that it is re-downloading the entire game.

    Not sure why there's such a difference between users. Maybe make sure Steam isn't being blocked by your firewall?

  11. The .skse saves are part of the new versions of SKSE. They only store script information for SKSE as far as I know. They are very small files and won't hurt anything.


    I don't know what version of A Thinner Compass you are using, but this is the suggestion from the iHud readme:


    For anyone having problems with missing HUD elements:


    2) If you are using the iHUD Compatible version of 'A Thinner Compass' you should uninstall this. You can use the standard version of 'A Thinner Compass' but note that it will prevent you getting a crosshair [pluses] when mounted. This is not a conflict, it is a problem with [A Thinner Compass] as it has not been updated for some time.

  12. If you are using version 2, Gopher has the console commands listed on the front page for iHud here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3222


    But what code should I use? I do not even understand these things.


    I think these are the ones you want (make sure you're running version 2 of iHud):


    set iHUDCrosshairOnActivate to 0


    set iHUDCrosshairOnSpell to 0


    set iHUDCrosshairOnRanged to 0


    Watching the video on the iHud's page might help you understand it a bit better.

  13. Did you check to make sure it was still disabled in the in-game settings? Patches can reset your preferences. Also, are you using iHud (Immersive Hud)? Might be the settings for that mod as well.
  14. Sorry to butt in... You want to disable the crosshair, yes? There is an Options setting under Display - you need to scroll all the way down - to turn off the crosshair (pluses). The 1.8 patch reset your preferences.

    Hope that is understandable and helps.


    Also - the .skse saves store extra data for SKSE. Nothing to worry about.

  15. *snip*


    No offense, but that's possibly a bridge too far, yes? It's good to remember we're talking about a game. That said, it behooves software companies of all kinds to make their products as accessible as possible. When Skyrim was released, the UI was borderline unusable without ini tweaks and I don't have any issues with my hands. Judging by how many threads there were looking for fixes and how popular SkyUI is - the boat was big, so to speak.


    I usually defend Bethesda. Skyrim is a big, complex game - no matter how dumbed down some may think it is - and there will be bugs. Patching without breaking other stuff is difficult. I'm also one of those who really hasn't had many problems... until recently...


    But releasing an unoptimized (they forgot?) game with a UI that was difficult to navigate under the best of circumstances is totally worthy of complaint IMHO (and yeah I know nobody asked). It's fundamental stuff.


    Hoping the popularity of SkyUI has shown them something. Maybe Fallout 4 / TESVI will be handled better for PC.

  16. Flummox. Thanks for that info, this is the first I've had issues with it. Googled a few terms for it, but nothing l searched resulted in anything helpful that i could find. I'm not that great w/ search terms, tho.

    No problem. I don't think it's that common. When it first happened months ago I searched and didn't find much either. Restarting does seem to fix it.

    Reading more and more complaints about follower AI and old bugs resurrected. Makes me long for backwards flying dragons. At least that was entertaining - and quickly fixed :)

  17. Honestly I wonder why people go to a site dedicated to Skyrim if they seemingly hate Skyrim as well as Bethesda.


    This is nothing compared to the Dragon Age site after DA2 was released.


    Or the Mass Effect forums after ME3. Bethesda seems fairly lucky in the fan department. Speaking of Bioware, there was a great post by one of their devs in their forums regarding bugs and the difficulty of patching games across multiple platforms. He mentioned Bethesda as well, but of course I can't find it now (Google just turns up the one on SWOTOR, but this was long before that release).

  18. Currently playing through Dawnguard on the Vampire side with few issues, though Serana's AI seems buggier than usual (she's getting stuck more often). Most of my current issues / CDT's seem to be Hearthfire & 1.8 new content (script changes / additions for Dragonborn) related - if the logs are anything to go by. Mod list has been cut down to the minimum with only a few script based mods including the Unofficial Patches.


    Also, in my experience the console command not responding problem existed long before 1.8.


    edited for semi-clarity...

  19. I never understood why there isn't a built-in way to manage multiple characters in these games (looking at you too, Fallout 3 / NV). Maybe most people only play one character so it's not worth it to the devs, I dunno... To answer your question, I use folders with a text file to list associated mods for each set of saves. Not the most efficient method, but it works.
  20. Thanks for your help guys. I am however pretty sure I've switched off back ups on my Win7 too... :facepalm: Time to live with it I guess. I was actually getting more CTDs while playing last night. It seemed really random and I could not determine which mods are possibly causing issues. I didn't have time to properly investigate this either.


    Unfortunately you do need to have System Restore turned on... It could simply be that a couple of your mods just need to be updated. The CK is usually (knock on wood) updated within a few days of patch release, so hang tight. If you're running the Unofficial Patches, those have already been updated, so maybe start there. Sorry not more help...

  21. After seeing the post saying the PC sales are a minority, I got curious and attempted to look up sales for the three platforms. I was not able to find anything other than a mention of sales for the first few days, and those numbers did not include digital sales (as most of us who have the PC version probably used.) I saw another article that reported that Skyrim was responsible for a huge jump in digital sales and the PC platform, read something that after including digital sales, the three platforms are about even, with PC maybe having a slight lead, and read a thread that discussed how there really are no accurate available numbers, since Bethesda won't release them.


    Is there an actual verified source for the PC sales vs Xbox vs. PS3? I would really like to see some real numbers from a reputable source.


    There's this: http://www.vgchartz.com/game/49111/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/


    I don't know if Steam downloads are counted in PC sales or just boxed copies.

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