Yah, I have a mod which literally just spews out log entries OnInit, OnReceiveFocus, OnLoseFocus and OnRemoved for all screens, all the time, always activated, so I can see if anything strange is happening.
class ArmListen extends UIScreenListener;
Event OnInit(UIScreen S) {
`Log("OnInit:" @ S);
Event OnLoseFocus(UIScreen S) {
`Log("OnLoseFocus:" @ S);
Event OnRemoved(UIScreen S) {
`Log("OnRemoved:" @ S);
Event OnReceiveFocus(UIScreen S) {
`Log("OnFocus:" @ S);
// Leaving this assigned to none will cause every screen to trigger its signals on this class
ScreenClass = None;
}Edit: ps - be super careful with tacticalhud. It has a double init, and does other really weird stuff when reloading saves (so it can smash save scummers). It also doesn't handle global vars at all well.