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Everything posted by zingfharn

  1. It also doesn't seem to autocomplete for stuff up the chain. So, if I extend Pawn, it doesn't know about the variables in class pawn for autocomplete/intellisense.
  2. Ech, it's more down to lack of people playing for me. Why spend time when no-one's going to see it.
  3. Is there a scaling offset from the origin? Like, if you do 0,0 is it where it should be, but 100, 100 is actually 150, 150?
  4. Yup, I found that with tech requirements too - you need to put "Needs Laboratory" in the desc, if you want to require a lab, and also show it despite requirements.
  5. The fact that Firebrand looks exactly like Ferro is what sold it for me.
  6. Tools -> options -> projects -> build and run
  7. That gives it to rank 3 and above, I think. If you're ok with that, it should be fine.
  8. What level of logging do you have set?
  9. Perhaps a little more data? One looks like a warning, though. like when you do function() { local int a, b; a = 2; }it'll warn about b.
  10. Yep! But make sure you check the tech is there before you add it ; ) I ended up with a very broken game when I forgot to do that. Items will just get loaded in fine, because they depend on techs, so need to refresh each time (or something ; )
  11. Yah, I have a mod which literally just spews out log entries OnInit, OnReceiveFocus, OnLoseFocus and OnRemoved for all screens, all the time, always activated, so I can see if anything strange is happening. class ArmListen extends UIScreenListener; Event OnInit(UIScreen S) { `Log("OnInit:" @ S); } Event OnLoseFocus(UIScreen S) { `Log("OnLoseFocus:" @ S); } Event OnRemoved(UIScreen S) { `Log("OnRemoved:" @ S); } Event OnReceiveFocus(UIScreen S) { `Log("OnFocus:" @ S); } defaultproperties { // Leaving this assigned to none will cause every screen to trigger its signals on this class ScreenClass = None; }Edit: ps - be super careful with tacticalhud. It has a double init, and does other really weird stuff when reloading saves (so it can smash save scummers). It also doesn't handle global vars at all well.
  12. Oh, and another really little thing. In .ini files ; This is coloured as a comment bool = true ; but this isn't
  13. Agreed! It's a small thing, but it catches me all the time. As for everything else, seems to work like a charm. Thank you!
  14. Goto? What about break? You need to AddStateObject for every state item which changes. You can submit the changes after adding lots of state objects. So CreateChangeObject Loop { // Do stuff Add state object } SubmitChanges
  15. I ran into this trying to sort Grimy's mod items in an array via a number of factors. I didn't find anything, I'm afraid.
  16. I mean, then, erm, I'm not exactly sure what you're asking..? You could hook up a screen listener to reassign PTC on the fly based on difficulty with if(`DIFFICULTY == 0/1/2/3) then foreach the templates and do whatever. You could get it to automatically scale with science score. It's like, erm, yeah. I don't know, dude. You'll have to rephrase the question.
  17. PointsToComplete is compared with your science score By default, Tygan gives 10 science. Other scientists give 5. You complete this many points per hour. With just the Tyganman, a 240 project takes a day. InitialProjectPoints += (TimesResearched * GetMyTemplate().RepeatPointsIncrease); InitialProjectPoints = Round(float(InitialProjectPoints) * class'X2StrategyGameRulesetDataStructures'.default.ResearchProject_TimeScalar[`DIFFICULTYSETTING]); InitialProjectPoints -= Round(float(InitialProjectPoints) * TimeReductionScalar); ResearchProject_TimeScalar[0]=1.0 ;Easy ResearchProject_TimeScalar[1]=1.0 ;Normal ResearchProject_TimeScalar[2]=1.0 ;Classic ResearchProject_TimeScalar[3]=1.0 ;Impossible TechRushReductionScalar[0]=0.5 ;Easy TechRushReductionScalar[1]=0.5 ;Normal TechRushReductionScalar[2]=0.5 ;Classic TechRushReductionScalar[3]=0.25 ;Impossible These are probably the things which will help you work it out. I've had quite a hard time trying to track down exactly where the legendary difference is set, though. Like, you'd think it'd be the timescalar. Oh, and Alien Biotech is a special case. Don't use that for any comparisons.
  18. Josh tends to hang around Reddit. RMcFall hangs around here. There's no guarantee either of them will answer anything, though.
  19. Sounds amazing, ovni. A stupid question, perhaps. How do I set it up in the first place? Just copy xcom/src into mod/SRC?
  20. This worked for me from a Facility. It massively depends where you're pushing from, though. `HQPRES.ScreenStack.Push(Spawn(class'UIChooseThing', self), `HQPRES.Get3DMovie()); Also, if it's not a screen, then yeah, that's not going to help ; )
  21. Are you sure? Mine does, with default launch options. (except nostartupmovies) this is in the log file, and I just started from the launcher: Init: Command line: -fromLauncher -review -noRedScreens -noStartupMovies -CrashDumpWatcher
  22. Same one, no? My launch log has this: [0028.19] ScriptLog: OnInit: UISpecialMissionHUD_0[0028.19] ScriptLog: FowEFFECT: XComFOWEffect_0[0028.19] ScriptLog: Doing it[0028.19] ScriptLog: here we are[0028.19] ScriptLog: here we are[0028.19] ScriptLog: here we are[0028.19] ScriptLog: Enabling which is definitely my work. I know, because right now my mod is crashing: [0033.97] Log: Dumping name table: (2168160)[0033.97] Log: Dumping name table: 0x041c4000 (2168160)[0037.30] Exit: Exiting.[0037.31] Log: Log file closed, 03/29/16 03:45:41 so I'm doing the exact same thing ; )
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