And by the way, You people seems to me as a bunch of spoiled child: "wheeee wheeeee we don't have a decent modkit :( whueeeeee." Where is write the law that said that a game must have a modkit? :D Speak loud and clear, TW3 would not even need a help for a very simple reason, is a complete game, not an half abortion like skyrim AND F4, a game unforgivably lazy for lazy players, a shamefull and total lack of immagination, creativity and innovation, they have created a good mod kit only to give all the work needed for a good game at the community. Without mods Skyrim is unplayable, is booooring, childish, lame character and story, awfull design and concept, ridiculus gameplay and full of tons of bug. Fallout 4 is even worst. That's is why they spend so much for a modkit.