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  1. I just open the mods folder of MW5, and place the folder in it. MW5 opens, check the mods list, check the mods I want, the restart. Works almost every time. When I have had problems in the past, it required either figuring out the conflicting mod, or a clean reinstall of MW5.
  2. I just open the mods folder of MW5, and place the folder in it. MW5 opens, check the mods list, check the mods I want, the restart. Works almost every time. When I have had problems in the past, it required either figuring out the conflicting mod, or a clean reinstall of MW5.
  3. It would probably help if you listed your mods. However, I think I had something similar with some mods a few months ago. Maybe volatile, or Hellfire and Brimstone.... Not sure.
  4. I can run these with no issues: Coyotes Mission Pack Yet Another Mechlab Yet Another Weapon Yet Another Weapon Clan TTRulez_AIMod2 Volatile 330's Pilot Overhaul I'm sure there are others that would work with them, but I haven't tried them yet. Yet Another Weapon Clan
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