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Everything posted by pyrealnova

  1. Anyone know of some good video guides on how to set up physics for this game? I mean I am no genius, but I am smart enough to figure out most stuff and I am just completely lost in this. I use vortex atm, and there are just so many diff physics mods out there that seem to conflict. Moreover, many of the armors I want have a mixture of different mods they support. CBBE UNP, CBBE 3A UNPB BHUNP etc I assume I have to pick one of these and stick with it? Currently I have all of those except UNP, but I have no idea on load orders, how to test etc...they all seem to conflict when I install in Vortex. Also what determines what my npc looks like. Is it the outfit or their body? I mean I think i can use bodyslide, but it does not appear to do anything when I change stuff. Any help is really really appreciated.
  2. Thanks for the response. Yea I use vortex and I have had no game breaking issues, but there are some armors and things on patreon that use all of that physics and dynamics stuff. I ended up trying to make all that work together but when I download awesome armors, they have mesh issues etc Vortex had tons of load this first load that first stuff as a lot of files are shared between these mods....most of the time I go with vortex suggestions, but they did not have any for all the dupes i was experiencing and i had no idea what to do. I would honestly pay someone to help me get all those base mods set up and working so I could download Harry2135 armors on patreon. His stuff is insane cool.
  3. The sheer number of mods, conflicts, dependencies, etc. that the coolest mods require is overwhelming for someone who is not super technical. If they offered for fee phone support to set my shiz up, I would definitely go for it.
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