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About kedrick7

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  1. back to the top with ya post. *bump* *chanting* I WANT HELGEN! I WANT HELGEN! ok. WE WANT HELGEN! lol
  2. When you Realism mod makers are out there doing your thing, I beg you to take a look at those cooking recipes. Almost every dish that you can make requires a "Salt Pile", that's a Pound of salt for 5 servings :sick: !!! I'm surprised there are any NPCs still living, their sodium levels must be Through the Roof!! I would like to suggest a few possible changes, to help ease the sodium burden. a. Revamp all the recipes and substitute healthier cooking additives instead of Piles and Piles of Salt . Additional recipes for "Preserved" Meat could be added which would retain the Massive "Salt Pile" ingredient requirement. b. Add a Cooking recipe (or Alchemical) to convert a "Salt Pile" into 10 "Food Seasoning"s (much like the leather into strips thing), and then do (a.) :woot: . Let's give the poor people of Skyrim a healthier diet, for a better, longer, and happier life. I mean a Dragon's probably going to eat them Anyway, but shouldn't they be healthier when that happens??!? :verymad:
  3. I think a multi-soul trapping indestructible device is kinda wanting for a bit much, I mean, Azura's Star is a Daedric artifact and it can only hold one at a time... Now I won't say the Dwemer didn't have a lot of experience with soul gems and their uses, but perhaps rather than a device that holds multiple souls, what about a device that is able to draw off a soul from a gem without destroying it.. about the weight of a gyro (5 or so) and is only able to transfer about a Half of the souls full strength, but leaves the Soul Stone cleansed and ready for use... For sake of Function the soul would "Transfer" to the device just like charging an item, and then the Device would be used to recharge an enchanted item, but the device could only hold one soul at a time, like Azura's Star. perhaps also with the added drawback that it cannot contain a Grand soul. A device like that would be very useful for "cleaning out" souls that get in gems where you don't want them, but not so powerful that you have to ask Akatosh to let you borrow it. :) But that's just my 2 cents.
  4. just wanna keep this idea/thread fresh.. *bump*
  5. I personally think that Acquiring the Location, whether it's Helgen, Sungard, Sky Haven Temple, or some random Fort, should be quest or story driven and should not have a pricetag. But then, that's only to get the Rights to the location (or lay claim to it, however you play it up). Cleaning the location up and rebuilding it, should cost a small fortune. In the case of something like rebuilding a large town/fort like Helgen or Sungard, maybe 100k to get it Liveable, but upwards of 500k to get it fully rebuilt and embellished. For something more along the lines of say Fellhammer or Halted Stream, maybe 50k to get it liveable and 150k to finish it off. All based on how much stuff can feasible be put into an area. Another way to increase the "Cost" of building and repairing, is to include resources other than coin in the cost.. ... Wanna build a forge area, sure.. 50000 coin, 10 Fire Salts, 3 Buckets, 25 Iron Ingots, 15 Steel Ingots, 5 Leather, 20 Wood, (it would be great if there were Stone to acquire too, grrr) Point being.. it doesn't all have to be coin.... As for getting People to work/live there, It'd be neat to have to go "Recruit" them. Maybe get a quest to go rescue some refugees who have been captured, or go to some-random-town01 and hire NPC_Smith with gold(assuming you have a forge area built). I guess the question of if it should have a Maintenance cost or not would depend on exactly what your working with. Rebuilding a town like Helgen shouldn't have maintenance, the purpose of a town is to Create wealth, not drain it. A private Fortress on the other hand Would incure costs to maintain.. It all depends on what your goal is... Personally, I want to rebuild Helgen (notice how many times I mention Helgen, :P ) But there are LOTS of excellent locations out there.
  6. I just thought of something else.. If I'm correct, Helgen has an already built "Repaired" layout... so the buildings, walls, and towers are already designed in their correct state.. If my bain is working correctly.. The town is Whole when you are first brought in, and that whole sequence is done with the game engine, so everything you could have seen from the wagon would have had to have been Undamaged... Which means the town "exists" somewhere (I think) Anyway.. just a thought.
  7. bumping, because I REALLY want this to happen :)
  8. There is a place that seems to be almost INTENDED for just such a "rebuild". It's large enough to support all the desires of any "Builder" player, is in complete disrepair, but not in utter ruin. It's infested with Bandits, and noone else is using it. AND, if it would matter, could be directly tied in to the storyline as a "reward" for either completing the Rebellion (my preference) or Alduin + Rebellion story arcs.... This mythical magic place is..... well, the very place you nearly lost your head, Helgen.
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