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  1. So I'm trying to make a fairly simple mod. Right now I created an NPC who resides in the saloon at BC. I'm trying to setup a linear sequence for the NPC. Basically I'm using a patrol to have him move from one point to another, and then move on to another package where he shoots another npc I added. I then want him to move to one of the bar stools and stay there. I've setup a patrol package using idle markers for the 2 positions, and made the starting reference the first patrol idle. For some reason he just keeps walking the patrol back and forth between the two points, even though I have repeat unchecked. I looked at the geck wiki and it mentions that the patrol should finish once he gets to the last point and I have no duration set. Is there some way to integrate the attack into the patrol so that I can follow it with him walking to the bar and sitting down? I'm really new to this, so I'm kinda doing trial & error using the geck wiki to try and get this to work. If anyone has a different way to accomplish this without needing to use scripts, that would be great. Thanks in advance.
  2. I initially put this in mod talk, since I was checking to see if there was anything like this out there, but it appears not. Basically, I thought about this while in Bonnie Springs, fighting a group of cazadors nested in the back of a store. I thought it would be perfect if I had some sort of pesticide grenade that had a smaller initial explosion, but then covered a larger radius with pesticide/poison specifically designed for mutated insects (radroaches, mantis, cazadores, etc). This would prevent me from getting killed by the blast if I threw it in a fairly small space. I've been poking around in GECK and an issue I found is that I can't figure out how to add damage toward a specific enemy type. The creature type is 2 "Mutated Insects" and I can see how the Entomologist perk works against those specific creatures, but I don't know how to cause a weapon to damage only a specific creature type. I'm also not sure if it's possible to add a "gas cloud" effect after the explosion. I can't recall any sort of effect that caused a lingering cloud like that (similar to a smoke grenade I guess). Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Well, likely not anything like this out there, so I'm going to create one myself. Only issue is that I can't figure out how to add damage toward a specific enemy type. The type is 2 "Mutated Insects" and I can see how the Entomologist perk works against those specific creatures, but I don't know how to cause a weapon to damage only a specific creature. I'm also not sure if it's possible to add a "gas cloud" effect after the explosion. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
  4. So I was just in Bonnie Springs, fighting a group of cazadors nested in the back of a store. I chucked some frag grenades at them, but it didn't wipe them out even after several, and I killed myself even while taking cover in the other room. I thought it would be perfect if I had some sort of pesticide grenade that had a smaller initial explosion, but then covered a larger radius with pesticide/poison specifically designed for mutated insects (radroaches, mantis, cazadores, etc). I tried searching the nexus but couldn't find anything like this. Upon checking the wiki, it sounds like there was a poison grenade planned, but it was never released. I wouldn't think it would be specific for insects anyway. Anyone know of anything like this? If not I may try to create one myself.
  5. So is Complex Needs honestly the only mod that includes time passing in menus? Does it work well in that mod? I want that feature by itself, since I don't care about the rest of the IMCNNV mod. I would love for time to pass while I'm playing some Caravan.
  6. Ok, basically all I'm trying to do is reduce the default weight limit from 150 to 50. I've tried modifying a random esp at the end of my load order and setting fAVDCarryWeightBase = 50 in settings, but this did not reduce the carry weight, even when starting a new game. Can someone inform me of the proper way to change this? Thanks much
  7. Still haven't gotten any of mine back.
  8. Thanks much for the response. I will definitely implement choice esps from the Puce Moose tweaks. Especially those that remove items, make things more expensive, give you less caps for sales, etc. Will be great on my next playthrough. Have you noticed any compatibility issues? It seems that a lot of those functions were implemented in PN. Fall height damage, slower backpedeling, responsive kill reactions, etc. The XFO NV seems kinda vague and sounds like it will definitely cause conflicts, so I'm not sure about getting that. I run a ton of mods, so I try to be careful about what I'm implementing. Thanks again! I, admittedly, haven't used FNVEdit much, other than to remove unwanted master references and to check for conflicts. Are you referring to the creation of a merged patch by loading only these esps from those 2 mods? Or do you mean you created a single esp file and aren't loading any of the separate esps? The former I think is easy enough to do by loading only the esp files I want from these mods, then selecting the "create a merged patch" under "other". Does that sound right? Or do you load every esm/esp you have in your load list and then create a merged patch from that?
  9. Yeah, I was really upset when all of the mods disappeared from my tracked list. Sure hope they come back...
  10. OK this is a bit off topic, but could tie in really well IMHO. A while back I participated in a whole russian thread that touched on this idea, RUSSIA - A land scarred by the Wars of past. I even made up a Soviet Robobrain that I was pretty proud of (I'm sure it's still around my hard drive somewhere). It has some really good ideas in there, but it was far too ambitious, requiring a new world space. But a new idea regarding the subject had been bouncing around in my head fairly recently, and it has to do with a interesting historical (possibly fictional?) quirk of the cold war. Essentially there were little, fake american towns set up in Russia. This is where spies and infiltrators grew up seeped in U.S. culture. They spoke english, enjoyed the American pastimes of the era, like movies, baseball, etc. So they were as at home with American culture as any native born U.S. citizen. To the best of my knowledge we never did that in the U.S., but I could totally see fallout's America going for it. Set up little Russian (also works well with a Chinese variant) towns, where everyone speaks, sees and is submerged in Russian culture. These towns would be very secluded, because they would need to be both top secret and separate all american influence from the occupants. So OK, interesting idea if it happened, but so what? Well it gives us a plausible tool to make a single little adventure in a authentic Russian town. It makes the scope of the mod much smaller and it could be anywhere that is isolated in the Mojave (but probably up north). So instead of just some Soviet items, you can have a little quest. Imagine that after the bombs fell they remained mostly isolated, thus surviving (well some of them) the fallout and chaos. They retained their Russian culture and over time/generations it was forgotten that they were ever Americans. Especially if you consider that fallout would have used CODE training on them, so they probably really didn't know they were Americans, at least not consciously. Over time they became a tribe of their own, still staying mostly secluded, but venturing out when needed. But this strange tribe had foreign weapons, clothes, equipment, language and culture. It too has evolved over time, just as Americans have, but it's stayed Russian and retained it's super recluded mindset. Could be a good little adventure to gain your soviet booty. I can help with most things (not great with weapons, but maybe we have nexus resources), and it's a lot more approachable than what we we're considering in that dead Russia thread. Gotta say, I love this idea. Some soviet uniforms, custom village (or at least a few houses), soviet weapons, even soviet decorations and such in the houses. Possibly some propaganda messages on the radios. Would have to be pretty isolated, since just about anyone in the wasteland would have shot them to hell if they knew there were commies in the area. Since Courier07 mentioned Stalker, I think it would be great to pull some ideas from there for weapons and armor. I know Millenia and crew have added weapons from that game to NV (or at least they were designed for Stalker and ported to NV).
  11. Hello all, I would love to see a mod that simply allows time to continue passing while playing casino games or caravan. It would be nice to walk into a place at 5:00, game for a while and walk out into the dark night. I'm into realism mods. I have searched all I could and couldn't find anything that does this. There was one mod that added it as a feature (even mentioned that it was the only mod that does that), but I didn't want everything else included in the mod. If I could remember which mod it was I would ask the author about it. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
  12. Thanks much for the response. I will definitely implement choice esps from the Puce Moose tweaks. Especially those that remove items, make things more expensive, give you less caps for sales, etc. Will be great on my next playthrough. Have you noticed any compatibility issues? It seems that a lot of those functions were implemented in PN. Fall height damage, slower backpedeling, responsive kill reactions, etc. The XFO NV seems kinda vague and sounds like it will definitely cause conflicts, so I'm not sure about getting that. I run a ton of mods, so I try to be careful about what I'm implementing. Thanks again!
  13. 1 - Always a scoped rifle 3- Typically SMG 4 - Shotgun 5 - Revolver or semi-auto pistol 6 - Lever action rifle 7 - Current favorite melee. RIght now the chainsaw. I had that sweet True Killer machete mod, but Veronica lost it somehow and I can't get another (unless I spawned it, which I won't). 8 - Anything else that I think may come in handy at some point. Possibly an RPG, but I don't typically carry one around.
  14. Seriously? You seriously needed to post a new topic for this? First, your subject is just insulting and annoying. Second, if you don't like people discussing what they want to discuss (heaven forbid that people talk about what they're interested in), then don't join in the discussion. Are you intending to be an internet cliche and complain just for the sake of complaining? From what I can tell, your post basically amounts to "they aren't going to make the game you want, so just stop talking about it because I, personally, don't want you to talk about it. You will talk about what I deem worthy of discussion." There are enough people like you on message boards, and we don't need more of this selfish crap.
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