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Everything posted by CyberOnions

  1. I thought the Pumping Iron mod increased the bodyweight slider by each perk gained/spent, but maybe it's actually based on prerequisite skill level and I'm just confusing the two. Hopefully, someone with the right modding skills will see this and make it, if that's even possible.
  2. I'm not sure if these are what I have in mind. I'm suggesting something simpler (bodyweight slider moves from left to right by 0.02 for each level gained, allowing bodyweight to max out at level 50), and not be made to do things players normally don't enjoy doing, like sleeping (though I'd be fine with eating food as a prerequisite since that's quick and there's plenty of it in the game).
  3. Looking around the modding community, I've seen mods that automatically change the shape of the dragonborn's body based on things such as the food they eat or how much...adult themed encounters they get into. What I'm suggesting seems much simpler, which is that the body width slider on a scale of 0-100 moves up with each level (perhaps 2 points per level, where level 50 is the max). This would be quite the immersion booster. The dragonborn starts out as a skinny malnourished prisoner who begins to develop meat on the bones as the dragonborn rises up in Skyrim's unforgiving landscape, becoming wealthy and buying up land/homes. Ideally this mod should work with either the vanilla bodies or whatever custom bodies created in Bodyslide/CBBE by other modders, and shouldn't have to create a custom body just for this mod. If anything like this has already been created, feel free to let me know.
  4. Hello, I'm trying to fix the dark face bug on the character Tricia from the Maids II mod. But when I load that file, along with the master files it depends on (the usual for SE), I get this error before the kit crashes: MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Zero entries or empty block size thread from strings file STRINGS/SMSkyrim_ENGLISH.STRINGS. Strings will be missing. 'Yes to all' will disable all Warnings for this context. I'm using Mod Organizer 2 to run Creation Kit.
  5. Does Special replace a nude body outfit or do they compliment each other in the game?
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