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Everything posted by Nyhilisa
I'm gonna say this is an awesome idea too... if you need testing, hit me up for basic stuff at least. :) Forgot to add - those little hints are what make the game interesting at all for me. Sometimes it's not the full quests l enjoy, but the mysterious things that make me ask why and how and did it work. Theres one dungeon vanilla skyrim that l like for tha treason (probably others too, but l cant remember them.) it's the one where the bandits forced a guy to mine the cave up till the point where he was killed in a rockfall. Theres a journal beside him, but l want to know - how and why did they have so much control over him? Things like that really intrigue me.
Actually, I just started - and finished - Blood on the Ice today. There were two small issues with it: 1.) if you discover Hjerm + the blood on the ground near it it fast tracks you a bit, making the 'examin the crime scene' pointer bug out on the one coffin 2.) I'm not sure if the assistance from Jorlief part worked or not (Hard to tell.) Other than that and a long waiting period during patrolling the streets, it went fine. well she's supposed to turn you green. And other amusing things. I've actually heard of that bug, tho. Sad that it wasn't fixed. (There is a workaround, but we shouldn't *need* one in the first place.)
Some of this stuff is used by things like the atronoch forge tho. (Can't remember how to spell it.) I can see why you'd want it - I check every container typically 2 times to make sure l didn't miss anything important - but there would be certain losses associated...
Unless you're the one that posted on steam too, thats a mod conflict. (I saw someone on the citytrees v2 mod commenting that this happened to them, too.) Hope you figure it out :P Either way was kind of amusing! Also, on the same mod the author said he'd tested to see if his mod was causing it, didn't think it was. (He didnt alter helgen at all.) Just an idea to check out anyway.
http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10030 So far l like it, though l think it needs work. "More Gold More Clutter" - so far i've seen it increase the variety of items in a single container, ie more than just 5 cabbages. (still get those sometimes, but you also get containers with a few cabbages, some cheese, carrots and an apple or two.) Also, dressers have more clothes now! Helps with immersion on that end. And yes, this bugged me enough that l felt the need to post about it. lol.
Has anyone found, or considered making, a mod that alters the drop rates for items ingame? Also, l'd like a mod that increases the variety of items, especially enchanted ones. I'm tired of always getting the same 6 schools (or w/e it is) of magic in any of the same 4 levels. All the robes look the same based on the type/level, all the unenchanted stuff is just...bah.. I'm finding it really boring, especially since l don't have to make a choice on what to equip as a magic user. Anyone else find this?
The wiki actually already has a mannequin tutorial. Theres also one (though briefer l believe) on weapon racks. Good luck wih modding :P it really does seem quite fun.
Personally I think beth devs had a competition to see whoever could come up with the most complicated method of creating interactive bookshelves possible...I htink i'm getting desperate here. Sorry for the rant, but...*screams* *edit* I was just working on my set up and realized I have the bottom shelf mostly working, so l wonder if it's something else? the only error l'm getting with the bottom shelf is flapping books, but l'm working onf ixing that.
Can't comment on mods working with various versions of skyrim, or the question regarding nmm - l dont use it, but for your 2nd question, using mods multiple mods with the same purpose is probably likely to cause conflicts. I can't be specific - have only tried Midas Magic - but a lot of the mods change the same features, so you'd find one mod over-riding another. Your best bet is to pick the one that suits you the most, or disable one if you want to try another. Hope that helps, a bit at least.
I'll try that, thanks for the quick response. The CK crashed on me this time (thankfully l'd saved cus bks have been driving me nuts) and on restart l actually got the trigger tos how up. For some reason l think it was an issue with 2 not showing the scale arrows (the 3 d arrows that adjust stuff like that). They're there now, so will see what happens. Irritating, but at least it's not constant. Also, yes l can see other markers etc. Gonna check my options and make sure l didn't disable anything. Also, didn't know about the 1 thing.
Has anyone else had an issue with PlayerBookShelfTrigger being invisible? Working on my housing mod, and the first three steps are going fine at the moment, but no matter what I do I can't actually *see* the trigger once l create it. l can click edit in the cell window, but thats a bit awkward, and could lead to errors.. Also, has anyone noticed things like that in general, where objects turn invisible (or something similar) for some reason? /sigh
I dunno, but I'll have to look into it. There is an item in the ck named 'carry bucket' (or something similar, i don't have it open atm)... definitely checking. thanks. Also, the set up l have right now is working, though not quite what l wanted originally. (it's a sunken pool.. had been thinking a container on a shelf or table that you could look into...) Thanks :o
Only trouble with this, water only has a texture above and below the surface. You will probably have to create your own object for this, add a bit of a texture to the outsides. l think l may end up going a slightly different route because of that. My skills are most definitely not in the realm of retexturing. Also, wtf does water have so many properties to adjust? (that's a rhetorical question for any who wonder.) Thanks so much for your advice, tho. It's really helped.
Oh, I don't see why not then. Just need the container to be static, then re-size the water to fit. Then you just need to add fish, I would assume from a spawner. Water isn't a physical entity, it is more of another surface through which the player can pass. This is from my own research while screwing around with the CK, I could be totally wrong. Check it out for yourself. i iddn't see this till now,b ut thank you so much. just have to find a clear-ish container.
that's epic...
Are you playing to your characters strenghts? I've been playing my current character - full mage, no armor etc - on master from the start, but l have to go through hoops to manage it. Ie I use traps, do a lot of running around hiding behind things, stuff like that.
not sure, i've never played minecraft...but yeah, it sounds like what l need. the water doesn't actually have to do much, tho - l just need it so fishes can swim. (I haven't done anything with landscaping yet, so its possible theres a way of doing that that i just haven't found. my apologies if so.)
Kinda what l was thinking. I did start thinking about using journals to detail some of the experiments tho. Probably going to stick to live animals etc, rather than human remains - l have no talent what so ever with scripting, so thats probably for the best. Lol.
Kinda what l was thinking. I did start thinking about using journals to detail some of the experiments tho. Probably going to stick to live animals etc, rather than human remains - l have no talent what so ever with scripting, so thats probably for the best. Lol.
Has anyone seen this ingame? If so, where, or any other details? I need to figure out if it's possible to do this... Lol. Misstress of the odd requests tonight l think.
Need some advice. Hoping people will actually answer, so here goes. (opinions are what l want, really.) First, the basic idea behind what l'm asking: l'm building a housing mod thats a bit different than the ones l normally see. It's a crypt that was taken over by the previous owner, and customized to his/her/it's own specifications. Furniture, display, worktables etc. Thing is,w hen the player gets it (still need to figure out possession, but anyway), there are hints of the owners less than appetizing activities. Specifically, experiments. Some of them still happen to be alive, but are non-sentient. Given that they would (theoretically) be different than the normal versions in game, would you find it immersion breaking to see different names? Or would the visual differences speak for themselves? At this point they obviously wouldn't be people names, but would descriptive names be immersive, or break it for you? Also, how much would human remains put you off in terms of a house you use, if you had the mod? consider necromancer type stuff. (l'm leaning towards a different type of experiment, but it's something l want to consider.)
not saying someone should do it, just that it would be nice. when your'e looking for just that specific piece, it's a bit of a pain to try each one manually, or hit the preview button and switch windows. (the preview is less annoying most definitely, tho.)
l was experimenting last night and found the preview button. right click the item in the object window, the menu that comes up has a few options. one of thems a preview one where you can zoom, change orientation etc. l feel like an idiot for not finding it earlier, but w/e. lol.
I am going to have a bit of that to do. I haven't done that yet and I know i need to. Man, me too.. Thanks for the tip, even if it wasn't directed at me.
If your'e referring to dungeon kits, l really hope there is. It's frankly time consuming to test every version of a specific kit piece to see if it looks the way you want. With some of the nord room kits, there are 7-8 (or more) pieces that can be used for the same basic purpose... bah. lol