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Everything posted by Nyhilisa
Can anyone recommend - or create? - a mod that adjusts drop rates of generic higher end items? I'm thinking things like ebony armor etc. Even with Cutthroat Merchants Very Hard installed, I still find that about level 30ish the economy simply gets ridiculous. If I sell every piece of ebony gear I find, I get to the point where I don't have to consider what spells to get, or even worry about saving up for a house. I want that - to be forced to chose how I spend my money, so to speak. Cutthroat Merchants is an excellent mod, but the economy still needs work imo. Thanks :o
Alright, got it running. Installed Skyrim fresh just to cut out any possibility of screw ups. So, thanks both - so far it's helping,a nd relatively simple. One quick question. In the ini tab, everything is prefaced by the 'oblivion' tag, so to speak. Came like that right out of the box, I dont have oblivion installed, and I got the link from this thread. Is that going to break anything? Couldn't find the answer on the read me, both in the general info section and the INI tab. Anyway, only asking cus l wanted to say thanks - Wyre Bash works. And is actually sorta simple.
Thanks, I'll give it a try. I've been hesitant to use much past skyrim itself - I'm not technically apt, and frankly don't often have the patience to try and learn. Will see what happens, though, and hopefully I can avoid screwing anything up eternally. (That's the main reason l don't use them, honestly. Lol.) Ty both!
oh. l want that. can l have it now please? on a serious note, l second the houses - especially some kind of change to collision in terms of decorating. If i place an object on a table, l want it to stay there. I don't want it to be moved by the object being placed next to it. (l know it typically stops after the 2nd time zoning into the house, but still.) The things that really bug me tho? 1. My inventory. I don't know if it's just because I'm weird and clingy to morrowind, but I really prefer that inventory style. Screw the parchment idea from oblivion - hated it - and damn the current skyrim style to the netherworlds. I want to see all my items in a simple boxed type window, with the obvious sorting of alchemy, armor, weapons etc. No being forced to scroll down. Willing to sacrifice the ability to view items close up. (May be annoying when it comes to the dragon claws, but...) 2. Smarter companion AI - traps, sneaking, fighting based on their strengths. Illia is not a brawler. Perhaps being able to help a companion with a game-long quest, ie backstory + showing that you value their assistance. 3. Economy/loot revamps - even with Cutthroat merchants' very hard enabled, as soon as I hit level 25 or so the # of ebony items being dropped simply throws it out of wack. I would prefer the difficulty of having to chose whether l buy this 2k spell or that one, or if l'm saving up for a house and only buy the absolute necessities. Also, more expensive houses, depending on what is available in the house itself. 4. Enhanced houses, especially mannequins. on this note, a series of tables meant to display armor/equipment l don't want on mannequins. Some of the lore-related gear, l prefer having out in the open so that you see the name etc when you hover over it. Of course, this might require collision adjustments if not to be frustrating, but I can settle if necessary. 5. Npc AI, more accurate/evolving comments on world events. Many people've mentioned it before, but if Farangar - sp - tells the arch mage he should join the college of winterhold one more time l may have his head on a stick. that's about it, at the moment.
Haven't read the rest of the thread, but I've - mostly - found this with Illia, too. Overall I've been fairly happy with her, up till the last day or so. Why did she suddenly decide to partake in the skyrim version of UFC? I know there must be some appeal to fighting with ones' fists, but come on. She's a mage. She has blizzard spells, and a hags staff, and a lightning storm staff... why must she beat on them with her tiny delicate fists?
What is the big fuss over having the official Ck
Nyhilisa replied to rabidNode's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Patches are for bug fixes. This clearly must be your first Elder Scrolls game or you're just trolling hard. Official patches from Bethesda barely clean up the amount of bugs that plague their games. The unofficial community patches provide more bug fixes than all of the official patches combined. I honestly don't see Bethesda even getting close to fixing half of the massive bug list that Skyrim has. Frost trolling... Oddly, my game hasn't been buggy. I thought that too, up till it took me 4 attempts to get certain quest stages to trigger, for SEVERAL different quests. The games great, but it has flaws. The odd thing about some of the glitches - they don't show up every time. My first... l dunno, 3 or so characters seemed perfectly fine, quests went excellently etc. But then came my poor mage, destined to hate the blood on the ice quest. For some reason, the script to have Calixto attack @ night took place mid-day, and no one around the poor woman even took notice of her death. /moment of silence My point is, it's not buggy for you, which is awesome. Can l have your versionof the game please? but it is buggy for others. Very buggy. -
If you look at the screenshot attached, I'm having an issue where the number of mods causes the data files window to become very, very cluttered. Obviously a work around is simply reducing the # of files you use, but thats rather...limiting. Lol. Anyway, anyone have any suggestions on how to fix it, or alternately what I've done to wreck it? I've been googling it for the last hour, and must be using the wrong terms to describe it because nothing's come up. Help?
I'm being cautious with the spoiler alert, but anyway, in Brinewater Grotto theres what looks like some kind of statue type item, of a flower - it's on the side with the stairs, half buried in straw. I want it. What is it? It would look really cool in my as-yet-unpurchased home, and makes me very sad that I can't steal it. If it's for a quest or something (can't imagine what) please don't tell me details. /cry Thanks for any info. Also. if it isn't for a quest and therefore un-interactive, someone please make a mod for it? l want it. I'll pay 10s of 1000's of gold, which l don't have at the moment but will someday. /hugs oh. if you want a screenshot lemme know...
l really have to agree with this one... morrowinds inventory set up was so much more enjoyable to me - l didn't have to pause the game to browse what l was carrying, and l didn't have to deal with a stupid list. I want the grid method back thanks... One thing that l really need, however, is a mod to change the lighting - the candle light/mage light spells are *way* too bright and make it hard/impossible to see details (are rocks REALLY that shiny?) and the torchlight doesn't go far enough. WTB happy middle ground. Adjusting brightness is all well and good, but even then it's awkard.
I realize this is probably beyond the scope of current modding capabilities, but I wanted to see what everyone else thought. I don't really post much, but love reading forums etc. Anyway, was doing the Ustengrav part of the questline today (from the greybeards) and suddenly kinda realized l liked how the tomb is layed out. Or at least, saw the potential if things were changed. I'm not a modder, however, nor will I ever be one, so I'm stuck making a vain request and hoping someone finds it interesting. If you took a tomb,and added a simple questline - "clear out this tomb, this npc will help you furnish it" - and added more lighting, cleared up some of the detritus, stopped respawns (maybe only for the main levels? Dunno), added furniture upgrades & mannequins, it might be quite interesting. Probably wouldnt fit in with lore exactly, but would be an awesome dwelling imo. All the burial stones where draugr are stored would make good mannequin backgrounds, I think, and there are already lots of built in shelving options. It's possible there would be a better tomb option - one with a more optimal layout or what have you - but the concept in itself really appeals to me. Anyone else find it interesting?
Actually, another place that would fit in perfectly with the theme of fitting characters is winterhold - I really, really want to be a patron to the town and help rebuild it on my mage, and help improve the attitudes of skyrim - or at least winterhold - towards my colleagues. I don't care if I have to donate 10s of thousands of gold - and this is with the hard difficulty vendor mod i'm using - to do it, I just want to help the town rebuild. Please? SOmeone? I'll beg.