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Nexus Mods Profile

About Danieladius

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Is it possible to set the double barrel shotgun to actually fire one round at a time instead of both barrels simultaneously ? Also, is it possible to change the lever action rifle's ammo of choice from 10mm to .32 caliber ? Knowing what I know of firearms, a 10mm lever gun would be *cool*... but not readily feasible. A .32 would be far better. If someone could help me understand the GECK to do this, I'll readily learn. I mod KoTOR to the above extent (take existing item and edit it to make entirely new item in that category), but the GECK has me absolutely confused.
  2. Thank you (both of you) for you insight and advice. I will refrain from continuing this as your warnings entailed. Thanks again
  3. So if someone was to use say Horizon to theoretically convert a PC mod to Xbox 360, it still wouldn't work ?
  4. Will this mod function properly on the Xbox 360: ⢠Game- Skyrim ⢠Mod Name- Duelist: A One-Handed Fighting Perk ⢠Author- Endalis
  5. Guys/Gals, I don't know if this forum is dead or alive, but I will ask anyway. Would someone be willing to walk me thru how to make a new feat/feat chain and add it to the game for selection at level-up ? FYI, about all I know how to do is edit uti.'s; but I am willing to learn. Thanks in advance. :-)
  6. As the title states, I am trying to create a new talent/ several new talents. I have discovered various tutorials; but I can't follow them. If anyone would be willing to walk me through how to do this, I would very much appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks. I have a request that is above my head (way above my head). A single weapon talent tree. I would make it myself; but I kind of got lost right after the tutorial started editing 2DA's and such. One could refer to my thread on the request in Mod Requests. Thank you all for all the help. The feeling of making my first DA:O mod is good. I am overjoyed. Edit: maybe someone would be willing to show me how ? Walk me through the process of such ? A "learn by doing" situation ?
  8. Thank you so very much. I wound up using the "Add Custom Items To A Custom Module" toolset wiki tutorial. Pardon my ignorance; but for my own personal purposes, just adding a few duplicated items; would that work, or is there a better/simpler/more efficient way to do so ?
  9. No error messages, nothing. The "runscript xxxx" succeeds; but no items are added to my inventory. Thanks for the quick reply.
  10. Update: I found a work-a-round; though I would still appreciate pointers on the script and help with making several new abilities.
  11. Hey all. I am trying to get into modding Dragon Age, and I am completely ignorant about scripting. Could someone please tell me what is wrong with this script : // ---- SCRIPT STARTS HERE ---- // Later on in this script, we will use the UT_AddItemToInventory() // function to add an item to the player's inventory. // But before we could use it, we have to tell the toolset where // to look for it. The function is in the "utility_h" script file // under _Core Includes, we will include this file at the top of // our script file, above the main function. #include "utility_h" #include "plt_my_custom_plot" void main() { // If our plot flag is set to TRUE, that means we have already // given the items to the player, there is no need to continue // running this script. if ( WR_GetPlotFlag( PLT_MY_CUSTOM_PLOT, MY_ITEM_CHECK_FLAG ) == TRUE ) return; event ev = GetCurrentEvent(); int nEventType = GetEventType(ev); // We will watch for every event type and if the one we need // appears we will handle it as a special case. We will ignore the rest // of the events switch ( nEventType ) { // This event happenes every time the module loads // This usually happenes when creating a new game // or loading a savegame case EVENT_TYPE_MODULE_LOAD: { // The UT_AddItemToInventory function adds various resources to a // creature's inventory. Here we add one weapon and one shield. UT_AddItemToInventory(R"my_custom_weapon.uti", 1); UT_AddItemToInventory(R"my_custom_shield.uti", 1); // Set our plot flag to TRUE, so the next time this script tries // to run it will not add extra items to the player's inventory WR_SetPlotFlag( PLT_MY_CUSTOM_PLOT, MY_ITEM_CHECK_FLAG, TRUE ); // We have dealt with the event we were waiting for. // At this point we can stop looking for other events break; } default: break; } } // ---- SCRIPT ENDS HERE ---- I have followed Werrik's tutorial over on Bioware step by step, except for changing the item names. I ensured that the items had ".uti" after them, if that helps. They turned blue. Anyways; I am at my wits end. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  12. Ah. Understood. Maybe someone will come along who can make this mod. I've modded KoTOR and KOTOR II, but that was trivial compared to modding this game.
  13. It is good to see a reply. I thought this site was dead; but I was going to try anyway. I looked into modifying existing abilities (i.e. Precise Striking), but scripting is over my head. I like your idea. Maybe have the first ability of the line be a sustained that boosts defense/evasion by a decent amount, but locks the offhand equipment slot; the second an active that strikes for normal damage twice; the third a passive that boosts crit chance/attack/ something; and the fourth be an active that deals double damage with a high chance to stun and crit. All w/ low level req's and for warrior/rogue only ? Whew. I'm getting a headache just thinking about all the work that would be required.
  14. As the title says, would it be possible for someone to make a mod that has a talent tree relative to single weapons; i.e. : one single handed weapon w/ no shield. Not anything extravagant or overpowered, but just four talents, maybe one sustained; two actives and and one passive ? I dl'd DAToolset; and tried to do this myself; but this is above my head.
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