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Everything posted by Eversjm7

  1. When I pray at the statue of Talos, I get a blessing and he heals my diseases. That's good enough for me to believe he is more than a man. The Thalmor should try praying at one of these things, might change their mind =p
  2. Wouldn't you think Bretons would be the ones to beat the thalmor? Well, I have no idea of the number of Breton available but it seems logical.
  3. I did not know that actually, I should have guessed considering they all use a form of magic. Thanks a ton for the info, hopefully more lore information will come with dlc.
  4. Been playing a Breton since morrowind, yet I feel like I know so little of the origin of their race. I've begun to think of the future of Cyrodil and I could see Bretons, being resistant to magic, being very helpful against the war against thalmor. Is High Rock doing alright doing this time period? Is there a high population of Bretons? What is their origin? Edit: Government as well? Thanks fellas
  5. The courier hands down. Anyone who fearlessly delivers me a message unarmed while I'm slaughtering towns folk deserves my MVP.
  6. Thanks for the reply, but that doesn't really answer my question. Edit: 2nd post did actually answer my question. Thank you for your input =)
  7. When does heavy armor "slow you down"? I realized I have been wearing a heavy armor mask, but I see no difference in speed. Do you need to be wearing a full set of heavy armor? If I wear heavy gauntlets as well, will it slow me down?
  8. The thalmor are like Americans? I'd say thalmor are more like nazis who want to eliminate a religious group. I believe that people initially saw the storm cloaks as the "good guys" because it was the imperials who were determined to behead you. Also, the '"rebels'" are usually the good guys. I totall agree with the op, I want to restart my character just because I joined this lunatic. Edit: You may want to do some research on why America is in Iraq XD
  9. Dark souls actually sounds like what I want in an RPG, may have to check it out...
  10. Wish we could wack people with our staffs...
  11. Or they could make the dwermer come back and take over whoever is in control of skyrim
  12. Are they of the same blood line? Considering both are mer?
  13. My theory is that the dwermer are the isajic (yea I raped that word) mages.
  14. Ohhhh looks black enough for me, which store is it from? Much appreciated
  15. Ohhhh looks black enough for me, which store is it from? Much appreciated
  16. Who are you to say what I need? XD. All I'm saying is if someone finds one hit me up.
  17. Where are you getting blue from? I'm saying black bro
  18. Necromancer robes is robes+hood, I'd like to have both hood and robes separately enchant able. Surprised they didn't implement a black hood in skyrim XD
  19. I really don't know how to respond to this idiotic question. But yes, the 40% sneak bonus does not fit my character, hence why I'm looking for a black unechanted hood
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