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Everything posted by ohyeahpwned

  1. couldnt you use wolf insted of dog, can you show a vid being the dwarf machines.
  2. I picked a high elf for a charecter for better mage, but im tired of the sharp facial fetures and greenish yellow skin, if somone could mod high elf to imperial race that would be appreciated.
  3. go to one right click (or right trigger) go to seocnd left click (ro left trigger). that should work.
  4. I was looking through some oblvion mods and wondered if they are compatable with skyrim, and if not how would you go about converting them.
  5. halo armour and melee weapons that wpuld be awesome, as magicka sabers exist allready I wont sugest that.
  6. Would someone please add master chief (spartian armour) with a covy sword to the game like they did with oblivion, i think it added a fun aspect seeing master chief in medievil game.
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