A lot of good points, here, both pro and con. As for myself, well.... I'm a collector with packrat tendencies. I'll grab as many as I can even though I only use a few of 'em and I'll set them up at (usually) Starlight Drive in with a marquee sign, like 'Jalbert's Armor Sales', or 'Atom Cats', or 'Crazy Boris's Walking Junk-O-Rama'. I will, however, go for the mod items, like the construction armor, the X-02, the Midwestern, T-49 Storyteller's, even the I-01 Institute, just for the sake of the collection. I did mention the 'packrat' thing, right? The armor is too 'breakable', IMO- I mean, c'mon- this stuff is supposed to be front line gear? And any idiot with that aforementioned poolcue can damage it?? Yeah, not so much. Even if you work them all the way up to the Mk VI level, you're really gonna tell me that a Radscorp is going to pop a hole in it? Or that friggin' mosquito? Melee weps would be a vast improvement- as was mentioned, a PA scaled power fist would be lots of fun to use- but, the blacksmith perk can go a bit of the way to helping your desire to pound th' everlovin' dogsnot out of, say, a Behemoth. Fusion cores- ahh, yes, the Bane of the PA lover's world- but one mod in particular will give you the ability to recharge those rotten little batteries as needed and give you a TON more from captured suits- enough so that you can give every settlement a couple of gatling lasers for their occasional 'Raider Fry and Flambee' weekend. Sneaking? It's a whacking huge walking tank, almost a VOTOMS ( If anyone know about 'em); Sneaking ain't a real option. There are a few armor pieces that I've run across that'll help with the movement speed thing, and the Tesla set up is always good for giggles, but the thing is set up to" Kick it's way through Mirelurks" and generally punt one of those Fusion Fleas through some uprights- if any can be found, that is. And I'm really surprised that no one has ever come up with a 'football' mod for them.