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Everything posted by RampagingGamer

  1. In response to post #43750325. #43752825, #43753040, #43753130, #43755445, #43756260, #43756365 are all replies on the same post. Restarting then purging the queue seemed to have worked, thanks for taking the time to reply!
  2. In response to post #43750325. #43752825, #43753040, #43753130 are all replies on the same post. Mind sharing how you fixed it? :)
  3. Hello my fellow brothers and sisters, If there is a humble soul out there, ready to take on a retexture of the not so mighty untill retextured mighty dragonbone armour then please read on, I wish for a more, "kingly", dragonbone armour. And in Basic terms what I mean is adapt most of the bone texture into some sort of brass armour, while still retaining the dragon teeth and claws protruding from the armour. Im thinking of a texture such as this here . It shows that this is a person of status, such as a prince, who finds his claim and honour in the slaying of Dragons. You know, Ill stop trying to explain it. I think looking at the texture sample will give you the idea and inspiration to retexture the armour. A great example of such armour is shown in this picture. Many thanks to those who read this, if you dont feel like taking inspiration from this idea please pass it along if you know anyone who can do this quick retexture. I am also in the process of creating a small custom voiced follower who is a warrior prince, and this armour could suit him as well as the nexus community. (PS: I tried to do this myself, but when I opened up the texture file from the bsa, I had no idea what I was doing)
  4. I also got a heavy impact from the High Res DLC texture pack my FPS almost cut in half. To be honest, it is the texture pack not your computer, there are so many errors in the texturing and it has been poorly optimized for anything. To disable it unitck the High Res texture packs esp in data files (From the skyrim launch menu). You should use some of the high res packs here on skyrim nexus,
  5. I started the companion quest before the main one this time, and I died the first time I became I werewolf.
  6. And all the fantastic modders out there who are pratically making the game which Bethesda left un finished!
  7. I actually did a new install of skyrim but I must of not of done a completely fresh install. But all if fine now, deleting all my saves seemed to fix it o_O . When I got skyrim the day it game out it was quite buggy for me so I eventually gave up but a lot of stuff have been patched since than so I figured i should re-start. I also remember in Oblivion, I had a few characters. One thing I don't like about Skyrim is that it feels as if the game was released too early. Excluding the bugs, quests started out good but than they just felt generic near the ending and the main quest was a huge disapointment, especially when you've just killed the big giant world eater who was to kill everyone and no one cares! I rememberi n Oblvion everyone walked out and was like "Heil the Grand Champion" or something but I guess Skyrim's main purpose is exploration of it's world which is brilliant!
  8. On my first playthrough I didn't play for long (I didn't watch the intro though, I just pressed new game and went to the toliet :tongue: ) , than after that I messed around with loads of mods.
  9. Right, so after a few weeks of messing around with Skyrim I finally decided to play again properly and this is what happened. Skyrim Fail Has this happened to any one before? Also this happens everytime I start a new game so I have to use someone elses save! :wallbash:
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