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  1. no. they are not, i use that mod, is a good beard mod, but nowhere close to what i want.
  2. Hi, i was wondering if is posible to port this armors or madem from scratch for skyrim http://tombraiders.net/stella/walks/TR10walk/screenshots/outfits/hopes-bastion-gear-up-guide.png http://tombraiders.net/stella/walks/TR10walk/screenshots/outfits/ancient-vanguard-gear-up-guide.pnghttp://tombraiders.net/stella/walks/TR10walk/screenshots/outfits/sofia-gear-up-guide.pnghttp://tombraiders.net/stella/walks/TR10walk/screenshots/outfits/spirit-weaver-gear-up-guide.png
  3. In response to post #24732659. #24732734 is also a reply to the same post. That's true, was big of Bethesda and Valve to admit their mistake.
  4. These are crazy requests as well. not more than what is already on the nexus.. hoodies, high heels, rayban glasses, bikinis, transparent bodysuits not complaining (to eatch their own), but you can't disregard something as crazy just like that, cuz there is more "crazy" stuff already in the nexus.. (that's not counting the site that must not be named)
  5. well i think probably cuz that's the aela look... and this line from her "My mother was a Companion. And her mother. And all the women in my family, back to Hrotti Blackblade" makes me think that she inherited that armor
  6. well there are car mods.. but they are just moded horses (with diferent meshes and textures, but horse AI)
  7. you're kidding, right? is set on fantasy medieval time.. not on any earth time period... and why not?? there are mods that add modern clothes.. so this is not a crazy request.. is not lore friendly, sure.. but not every mod has to be lore friendly.
  8. he used wuuthrad as a 1h axe.. he was the chuck norris of tamriel
  9. brawl bug.. you probably have getsnowy or wet and cold.. or other mod that adds a cloak spell effect this will help http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24020/?
  10. did you run the tool? (GenerateFNISforUsers.exe) well honestly i don't use those mods i use animated prostitution http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10748/? and works fine for me... so yeah .. can't help with that sorry..
  11. well i like more cbbe cuz the bodyslide option let you costumize more ... but unp is a good option too.. i also use sevenbase but is a bit oversexual for some.. again.. preferences.. :)
  12. well for armor if you're character is male i recommend this armor http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59544/? for female characters i recomend cbbe body.. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666/ for female textures either mature skin by maevan http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32986/ or SG female textures renewal http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35267/? for males better males http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2488/ or SoS lite (is not on nexus sadly) for elf races ethereal elven overhaul http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24273/? weapons jaysus swords http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1002/? for textures and enb... well is up to preference ...
  13. isn't that against the nexus rules??
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