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Everything posted by dizzysaurus

  1. Hello everyone, I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of a good mod tutorial. I'd really like to take the Designated Marksman Rifle from F:NV and port it to FO4: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42963/? I'm having trouble even finding where to start. I tried opening the relevant mod in the creation kit, but it just complains about the New Vegas ESMs not existing. So there's probably a tool I can use to edit the dependencies of this mod, right? Or am I approaching this all wrong? Some pointers or links to a good howto would be greatly appreciated. Apologies if this is considered spam or off topic. -diz
  2. Can someone please mod into FO4 the following: Make "The Littlest Hobo" theme play whenever you dismiss Dogmeat. If I'm allowed to put a poor bounty up for it, I'd pay $10 for this. :)
  3. So, those named NPCs that you encounter in places like the Gunner HQ? How straightforward would it be to set those as Legendary? In other words, based on previous experience, are named NPCs in a list somewhere, and would it be as simple as setting "base_ID.legendary 1"? Other random stuff that I don't want to make a new thread for and would need new models and thus the new Fallout 4 GECK whenever that drops: Modular gun based on the Aliens M41A Pulse Rifle, shooting 10mm armour piercinign explosive tipped caseless ammunition.Gauss defense platform and heavy gauss defense platform.Backpack mounted shoulder cannon for power armour. Grenade launcher, rocket launcher, heavy machine gun, heavy gauss cannon, 30mm cannon, etc etc. All weapons would fire over the shoulder like a Predator cannon and completely wreck face, but drain fusion cores like crazy.Melee power armour shaped like a silverback gorilla. Use it to charge in and tear stuff to pieces.Would the new method of wearing power armour allow a PC to mount/enter and drive a vehicle?Armoured metal walls for settlements that sort of look like the green military barriers in National Guard posts.Double gate, drawbridge, portcullis for settlements.Electric fences, razor wire and minefields for settlements.Thanks! Everyone's mods have made F03 and FNV so much better, I can't wait to see what y'all can come up with once the GECK is released.
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