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  1. By strange obsession, I was implying that it is a little strange to collect all of the books within a game which you are to ideally complete quests, explore and kill dragons. My comment had no implications on real life collection of books. To your comment about weight of most things being wrong, you have to consider that Bethesda want the game to be enjoyable and as little tedious as possible, meaning if they made everything weigh what it should in real life, we would be unendingly be returning to our homes to drop things off when all we wish to do is play the damn game. Realism is one thing, but the game currently has a poor balance between the frequency of obtaining valuble items (rare weapons, armour and gems) and being able to sell them. I completely understood that these changes were unrealistic before I made the request, so your comment has little value to what I am asking for. So would somebody be able to mod these things for me? I imagine they would be simple changes within the code somewhere. Thanks.
  2. It's probably already been done, and if so I would appreciate it if someone linked me to where I can get it but anyway... I thought it would be a good idea to make it so that all the merchants in the game had unlimited coins (or a decent amount more) so that I don't have to town hop to all the merchants just to sell my huge collection of dragon bones. Secondly, I thought it would be a good idea to make all of the books (including spell tomes) weight 0. I always like to collect them and the bookcases in the house in Solitude aren't enough to cater for my strange obsession.
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