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Everything posted by Gohstly

  1. Okay, a little rant, before you say "you should have read the patch notes" i know... I probably should have read the patch notes but this doesnt excuse the butt f*#@ery bethesda has done. So I started a new game and decided I wanted to test out survival mode, and decide if I wanted to use it further, and see if i could mod out any features I liked, so after a few seconds i decided i'd much rather have fast travel on, so I decided to lower the difficulty back for a while and I saw the message telling me i would not be able to go back into survival mode. Apparently the point of this feature is to stop players from being cheap cunts and disabling survival mode when they are about to die, but i still think that was a dick move on bethesdas part, especially towards the modding community, and people who are just curious, Obsidian did not give a f*#@ whether or not you turn survival mode on or off because they realize people who actually want to play survival mode aren't going to turn it off, and they let people play the game as they please. Bethesda is getting worse by the Hour, the decisions they have been making since the last patch are abysmal. They operate more on statistics and core audience rather than what the actual fans want, they refuse to learn from what had made New Vegas so great, and they pretend like the game had never happened. And I no longer want to support this company Anyways Sorry for the rant, on another note, is there any way to re implement survival after it has been turned off?
  2. My biggest issue with the settlement building is often they end up being too dreary and dull even for a post apocalyptic setting, unlike a lot of other parts in the game, Id like to see more makeshift building equipment, on spectacle island theres a boat with a bunch of shipping containers on it, I thought it'd be cool if we were able to use them while building in workshop mode, we already have the models and if we wanted some more variety we could modify the meshes to add some more variety, say having larger or longer containers as well as some more colors. Heres some examples of what it could look like http://puu.sh/oE5AP/55431442c9.jpg http://puu.sh/oE5Fn/52ce6e600a.jpg http://puu.sh/oE5K5/2eff1bdc10.jpg sorry for the large images
  3. It looks good. i feel you should slightly weaken the effect though
  4. The mod "infinite heaven" allows you to use a free roam camera
  5. you dont need a mod to do this, least on pc version you can add music through the custom soundtrack in the game files
  6. I'm not even sure if this game actually has the MSF uniforms like ground zeroes has, but one thing i'd love to see is a mod that gives mother base soldiers MSF uniforms and masks, possibly something that would work with the infinite heaven mod, Or if someone likes this idea and would be willing to go an extra mile could replace all the diamond dogs insignias on mother base with the MSF emblem.
  7. I havent messed around with redshade and sweetfx much but i think i recall there being a crt monitor option for one of the two and sweetfx already makes games kind of blurry so it couldn't be too hard
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