So, the new design had an ad that repeatedly popped up on every page on the bottom right of my screen and annoyed me to the point that I installed an ad-blocker to get rid of it. Noticed that you had an opt-out fee. Went to pay for it, and it's asking for a bunch of information (some of which is already on my profile, and some of which I don't care to share) before I can get to checkout. For the record, my profile hasn't changed in years. I log on with a user name and password, and all you should need to take a payment is that and a valid method of payment (such as paypal) What you don't need (unless you have plans of creating a database to sell or other nefarious activities) is my full name, address, country of origin, age or sexual preference (not that you asked for that). I get the need for ad revenue, I do. But at the same time, any ad that becomes hugely annoying is guaranteed to insure either an ad blocker or navigation away from the page. Incidentally, search on the "new design" is still broken. When I can find mods on your site faster by googling it than using the search button, that's not a good indicator for your search algorithms. Nor does the "hamburger" navigation tool at the top thrill me. Hated it in windows 8, hate it now.