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Everything posted by Tazcada

  1. Just here to vent my displeasure at your new UI. Congradulations on taking an easily navigable page and creating this steaming pile. For the record, I "used to" login daily to check mod updates and new mods (mostly in Fallout 4), but I shall not be doing that in future as I really do not like how the site now looks, nor how navigation of new and updated mods has become under your new UI. Also for the record, I loathed Windows 8 as well, and I can only assume by how the page now looks that was what you used for your inspiration for the new design. My membership is paid until December of this year. At that point I shall express my displeasure with my wallet and not renew.
  2. So, the new design had an ad that repeatedly popped up on every page on the bottom right of my screen and annoyed me to the point that I installed an ad-blocker to get rid of it. Noticed that you had an opt-out fee. Went to pay for it, and it's asking for a bunch of information (some of which is already on my profile, and some of which I don't care to share) before I can get to checkout. For the record, my profile hasn't changed in years. I log on with a user name and password, and all you should need to take a payment is that and a valid method of payment (such as paypal) What you don't need (unless you have plans of creating a database to sell or other nefarious activities) is my full name, address, country of origin, age or sexual preference (not that you asked for that). I get the need for ad revenue, I do. But at the same time, any ad that becomes hugely annoying is guaranteed to insure either an ad blocker or navigation away from the page. Incidentally, search on the "new design" is still broken. When I can find mods on your site faster by googling it than using the search button, that's not a good indicator for your search algorithms. Nor does the "hamburger" navigation tool at the top thrill me. Hated it in windows 8, hate it now.
  3. You mean this? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/categories/ (Fallout 4 site used for example) The categories page is found if you follow the "mods" drop down menu on each Nexus site front page. Not really... more like the simple list that was on the right of the of the main mod page. More like this is what I meant: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/searchresults/?src_cat=23. I did see the categories list above the displayed mods, but I think the page would be better served to have the menu off to a side so you can jump filter back and forth between categories with one mouse click instead of the two or three it takes on the new Nexus page. Having to scroll up and down the page to get to where you can change your category seems to add an extra layer of difficulty in finding the mod (or mods) you want.....and with the descriptors "about this mod" being displayed under the mod picture on the page as well makes the page seem ..... busy.
  4. I cannot help thinking that the absence of a clean simple feel is a retrograde step. To my eye the new web page looks like the Metro interface that was adopted (and hugely unpopular) by Microsoft in Windows 8 and 8.1. I find the page a little clunky and hard to navigate personally, and prefer a simpler tree style of web page. And don't get me wrong, most of my mods came from Nexus, some from LoversLab and one (and only one) from Bethesda.net. I'm a huge fan of the Nexus site, but I'm a bigger fan of simplicity and cousin, this ain't it. I understand the desire for a more modern page than what you had. I think what the page needs is the ability for an end user to be able to switch to a compact version without each mod taking up a huge chunk of your 12 allotted slots on the page... even maybe a list so you can browse through all the titles without having to reload your page 16 mods at a time. One of the nicer features that I used all the time on the old page was the tree for categories, and it's gone. I miss it.
  5. Ah, I thought I was the only one. The old site Fallout 4 page is broken for me. But it works fine on the new site version. :dry: I wish. Fallout 4 page is down on both pages for me, links don't work, and I'm getting the "you're viewing the old site, click here to get the new site" error on the new page from the new page. Frankly, I'm underwhelmed so far. Personally, I think newer is not always better, and I prefer to go with the "if it ain't broke" theory in all things web related. I checked out the new site on oldrim, and wasn't horribly impressed. Trending mods? What the hell, are we on twitter now? We trend and vape, and all that nonsense?
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