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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by igloobrah

  1. Arrrgh maybe I am not destined to play Skyrim, I bought the PS3 version at release and got the save bloat error so badly that I could not make it to level 5, I ended up selling the game. Now 2 years later I decided to buy the Legendary Edition for PC and I am getting CTD's... It happens completely randomly, sometimes after 5 minutes, sometimes after 1-2 hours, but it always happens. The irony is that I didn't even have any mods at all installed when it first happened. Here's what I tried, but with no success 1) Downloading the unofficial patches from vanilla to Heathfire. Did not make any difference. 2) Used BOSS to sort order, still CTD. 3) Disabled all DLC, did not work. 4) This I believe made a difference, changing my settings from Ultra to Low made it take longer for a CTD to happen, but it still happens. 5) It's not save file bloat, my save files are all under 5mb and most at 3.8mb 6) Made a papyrus log, if you want me to post it, I will, but thus far I could not find anything interesting in it. 7) Downloaded SKSE and SSME, no change. I downloaded TES5 Edit, but I haven't used it yet, because everyone tells me the unofficial patches do not need cleaning and that errors in Update.esm and the DLC are supposed to be there (it makes sense for DLC to change items). Guys I am at a loss here, I spent the last 2 days trying to figure this out, I really need help here. If I can't fix this now, I am giving up on this great game. System Specs Windows 7 32 bit Radeon 7850 i3 2120 3.3 ghz 8GB DDR3 RAM 1080p monitor I have since played with a few mods, only 2 really. And neither of them changed the patterns I face. Additional Info - I almost always CTD in the outside world and rarely inside a building, if ever.
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