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About theblueshark

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  1. In response to post #24745044. #24745229, #24745464, #24745559, #24745634 are all replies on the same post. should have been a 1 week trial..some mods wont show that its s#*! till you're half way there.. @ oldnotweak some people that did not want the paywall is due to the cut modders were having. though we were outnumbered by people that wanted it for free forever.
  2. In response to post #24744174. #24744334, #24744579, #24744614, #24744669 are all replies on the same post. +1 to you sir.. man are paying consumers a pain... The non-stop fix this and that and the freaking barrage of lets just say "mean words".. If you are getting some on your free mods now, that will multiply 100 fold. You cant say no to it cause they paid for it..
  3. In response to post #24738304. #24738404, #24738464, #24738479, #24738524, #24738604, #24738659, #24738679, #24738694, #24738739, #24738779, #24738799, #24738804, #24738919, #24738944, #24738974, #24739104, #24739184, #24739199, #24739204, #24739289, #24739329, #24739359, #24739394, #24739409, #24739474, #24739514, #24739544, #24739564, #24739609, #24739619, #24739639, #24739689, #24739759, #24739784, #24739884, #24739949, #24739999, #24740019, #24740029, #24740039, #24740124, #24740139, #24740174, #24740184, #24740199, #24740234, #24740349, #24740469, #24740494, #24740509, #24740569, #24740579, #24740584, #24740694, #24740734, #24740789, #24740809, #24740814, #24740834, #24740844, #24740859, #24740899, #24740939, #24740959, #24741039, #24741074, #24741079, #24741154, #24741159, #24741164, #24741289, #24741369, #24741419, #24741429, #24741444, #24741449, #24741529, #24741644, #24741674, #24741699, #24741714, #24741744, #24741754, #24741764, #24741784, #24741804, #24741884, #24741959, #24742024, #24742104, #24742119, #24742154, #24742169, #24742194, #24742314, #24742444, #24742464, #24742489, #24742509, #24742524, #24742564, #24742579, #24742634, #24742744, #24742799, #24742804, #24742964, #24743039, #24743319, #24743439, #24743614 are all replies on the same post. funny thing is, I voted against the paid mod because valve is gets a bigger share than the modder.. just saying...
  4. In response to post #24608634. #24609314, #24612079, #24612614, #24613089, #24618249, #24624044, #24624654, #24627164, #24627384, #24633109 are all replies on the same post. as a long time modder but not for skyrim I'm afraid; I still say money does not make quality output, more often than not it draws out the opposite. money creates rushed quality work and its more stressful for the modder. You'll get bashed and rushed for patches/fixes and you cant say no to it since its paid for or you'll end up like a greedy ***. to compensate with the demand you'll be making quick fixes for your game/Mod which in return creates more bugs and more problems. If you decide to leave you cant pass the project to anyone without paying them first unless you're lucky. Free mods on the other hand you can take your time in making them. people would be more helpful and appreciative and would share inputs/Ideas to make it better . they'd scream and post less offensive words. You can move to any project at any time. to top it all off if you decide to leave some interested people would/might take over the project and you can see it grow. So for me I still say that money will make fast but crappy mods while free mods well it might take time but the output is always better more often than not. If you don't believe me try it and find out for yourself don't say I didn't warn you. regarding downloaders wanting something for nothing. They didn't do nothing they helped you develop it. You used their input, their ideas. your's was good but they made it better. just to add.. there will always be that one guy that would make a free knockoff versions of your project.
  5. In response to post #24593024. #24593174, #24593264, #24593554, #24593789, #24593874, #24594259, #24594264, #24595624 are all replies on the same post. We use to make mods to improve games. we share them to boast off skills and creative thinking. This used to be a fun hobby when did it start to be a stressful job that you need to be paid. Donations are ok though at least its not mandatory.
  6. In response to post #24592409. we already paid for their half baked game and DLC's, now they want more money from people that made it look and feel better? if you ask me they should be paying the modders for keeping their games interesting.
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