First off, im completely new to modding ,NOT to Elder Scrolls though, i was just stuck playing Morrowind and Oblivion on Xbox and Xbox 360, and did start playing skyrim on the 360, till the game actually KILLED my console lol, but it was right before i purchased new Computer so i just traded the 360 version in for the PC version. I have been aware of modding elder scrolls games for a while and when i purchased Skyrim for PC it was the first thing i wanted to do, i wrote out a list of about 100 mods that i thought would make the game perfect (in my opinion anyways) and i have most of them found and running smoothly. HOWEVER... After months of searching, AND even trying to learn how to make these myself (its gonna be a while till i can make stuff this complicated, im still on basic level design right now, although once i have enough practice im gonna start making mods to contribute to the Nexus community, as i dont wanna be some guy who just downloads and never contributes anything) im still left with mods on my list that i cant find anywhere, i have seen some that are similar, and some that where online, then disappeared (mabe they had bugs, i dunno) and some i just cant find anything for (not even forum suggestions, although some mods im looking for do seem to be in production, so i wont post those ones). So i figured, why not just post the list of the mods i cant find onto the Nexus Forum? In the hope that even if one person sees just one of the ideas on this list and goes on to make it, that will get me just that much closer to my "Perfect Skyrim", so here they are: 1. SNOWMEN -this one i would think would be pretty easy for an experienced modder to put together (its really just putting a few white balls together in a modeler) it seems like with all the snow in Skyrim there would be at least one snowman somewhere, mabe even some special magic ones that move around and attack unsuspecting people... 2.RIVER RAFTS- i have seen the Gokstead Ship mod (and loved it) but this idea is kinda different, i was thinking something that reacts with how objects can float in the water, and how the water even moves them downstream, the idea of being tossed around some of those rapids seems kinda cool. 3.HARDCORE MAGIC- i have seen dozens of mods to make magic easier and stronger, im looking for the opposite, i find the magic in this game is way to easy and would like to see a mod that mabe lowers the magic recharge time, or the spell power, or even something like in Morrowind, where spells had a chance of FAILING. 4.WAR MAMMMOTHS- like the elephants in lord of the rings, with forsworn, or barbarians, or stormcloaks or just something riding on top on a wood platform and shooting down arrows, and the player having to kill the archers individually or try to take down the Mammoth (this would need one of the already available larger mammoths mods in order to have the proper size). 5.FLYABLE DWEMER ZEPPLIN- i have seen a "flyable dwemer airship" but its just a flying boat, im looking for a ZEPPLIN, like i used to see in dwemer schematics in Morrowind, i also once saw a player house shaped like a dwemer zepplin, but it couldnt move, and i cant even find it for download now, if someone could combine those two mods somehow i would really apreciate it. 6.WHALES- why is the ocean north of skyrim so empty, cant someone make a giant fish and label it a whale or something? and mabe give it a blowhole if possible, thats all it really needs, being able to look out accross the water and see a whale surface and blow water into the air before going back underwater would make that entire north area look a lot better. 7.UNDERWORLD AREA- not like the underground dwemer city in the game already, im thinking an area that looks like HELL itself, and full of demora and ghosts and stuff, with Lava and lots of fire, possibly accessable through some caves placed under the dwemer city, anyone who has played Diablo 1 knows the kind of area im talking about. (im planning to attempt at this one myself eventually if no one else does, as it seems like with a bit of practice i might actually be able to design it) 8. FIGHTING ON HORSEBACK- i know of a mod that allows you to use the horses legs to trample people, but i was thinking of something where you could swing your sword on horseback, mabe even ride in first person and be able to shoot arrows and stuff. (this one seems like one that i probubly didnt word right in the in the search function, and im guessing it probubly already exists somewhere, although probubly different from the way i just described) 9.WANTED POSTERS- like in the old west, if you get a bounty, your name and crimes and bounty would show up on wanted posters in towns, with mabe a crude sketch of whatever race and gender you are (ie. if your playing a male dunmer, it would show some sketched face of a typical looking dunmer male, doesnt require the exact face, just a "standard" one that looks similar to all face types) , and if you dont have a bounty the poster would default to just show some in game "named" NPC known to be a criminal or something, and what there crimes and bounty are (doesnt one of the cities already have a murderer on the loose that NPCs talk to each other about? the murderer could be on the posters in that city). 10.SLIPPERY ICE!!!!!- this is the one i really want to see get made, the fact that i can run for hours on ice and not even stumble a bit just pisses me off, i dont know how it would be done (possibly tweaking the physics or something) but i think it would be a great mod for any immersion player, where they would have to avoid icy areas when running away from something, or risk falling down and hurting themselves (the faster there running, the more damage they take when they fall) this would also require some way of programming NPCs to avoid icy areas, for the sake of realism, as i could see this being full of bugs with NPCs constantly falling down when trying to attack you (although that would be funny to watch a group of bandits constantly falling down like morons LOL, but it would get annoying really fast) and the idea of being able to do controlled slides on the ice seems like it would also be fun to try... If anyone knows if any of these mods already exist PLEASE post a link to them. If anyone decides to make one of them, PLEASE tell me!!! so i can at least know there in production. And i just wanna end this post with a "Thank You" to anyone who took the time out of there lives to read it. (and sorry if the post is too long, but i felt the backstory was required)