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Everything posted by metalhead808

  1. Would a Fable Nexus even be possible? I love Fable and always wanted some really cool mods for it.
  2. There's a spell like that in the Dawngaurd dlc for vampire lords
  3. Already being made by Tytanis. He released a small teaser on Youtube
  4. There is a Teenager Race on Nexus. If you know how to create mods you can use that mod and make new characters to put it in your game.
  5. I always wanted to play as the Na' vi. I don't know why. But can someone make it? A Na' vi race? Maybe a little village with some of them in the Reach? Thanks
  6. I would like a mod that drastically reduces the chances of finding ammo (affecting the player, npc's and enemies) so I would have to conserve and use melee instead. More chances of having enemies with melee weapons and few enemies that have weapons. Maybe guns would also be more powerful but not by much. What do you guys think? Is this possible?
  7. I'm looking for a mod that changes the placement of weapons. It was a Hot File when the game was still early. I've been looking but can't remember what it was called.
  8. I always wanted something like this too!
  9. Aang's Glider from Avatar: the Last Airbender would be cool. I made the characters for myself in my game and I'd love to have the glider to complete it.
  10. There is a mod like that. I got it over the Steam Workshop but they don't call you mom or dad. It basically changes where the kid lives ie where your house is.
  11. I've gotten really into Avatar: The Last Airbender. I've watched the 3 seasons in 3 days. I'd like to know if anyone is willing to make the Characters from the show into Followers. ie Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Zuko. Phenderix magic and Midas magic seems to work well for Elemental magic or "bending". I've tried making the characters but I'm not much of a modder.
  12. Whenever I try to shout, I ctd. I recently dl'ed Dovahkiin Relaxs Too and UFO (Ultimate Follower Overhaul). I used the BOSS masterlist to see if there were any conflicts but there were none. Dovahkiin Relaxes Too is the only one to affect shouts in any way so I figured that that was the problem. I deactivated then reactivated and I still CTD. I got rid of Dovahkiin and the Thuum Apprentices mod over Steam Workshop but it still won't work. I literally have one problem after another.
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